Chapter 58

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Louis crawled into the apartment on all hands of fours. Black blood dripped from the cavity in his chest, on to the floor below. He was stalking towards me, and I had no idea what to do. I stepped backwards, moving back to the reading room. Perhaps I could barricade myself in or even try to hide in the secret room. Anxiously I glanced around me for something that might help me, then I remembered the blade Henrietta had given me.

I'd left in the reading room, somewhere on the floor. She had told me to keep it in case of an emergency, and oh shit was this an emergency. Louis continued to move forward on his distorted and twisted limbs, edging ever closer towards me. I slowly and carefully stepped backwards towards the reading door, and prepared to make a lunge into the reading room and slam the door shut. I knew the reading room door would make a flimsy barrier, but I only needed a couple of seconds to grab the blade.

Louis growled at me, curling his lip upwards and revealing to me a vicious set of pointed teeth. I think he knew what I was about to do. He could probably tell by my tense body language and desperate glances towards the reading room door. My heart was beating so fast, I felt like it was going to explode in my chest. Staring at the monster in front of me, I took a deep breathe and got ready. This had to go off without a hitch.

Counting to three, I whispered, "One...two...three!"

I lunged into the dark reading room and heard pounding of feet close behind me. I slammed the door shut, and felt the door rattle in its hinges as Louis hurled himself against it. I didn't have long, only seconds before the door would break. I scrambled around on my hands and knees searching for the blade wrapped in velvet. The reading room door rattled and banged as the beast on the other side began to violently claw his way through the wood. I pushed aside the piles of books until I eventually found the small package hiding under one of the books I'd kicked earlier across the room.

I grabbed the parcel and shook it hard. The silver knife tumbled out and onto the floor and I grabbed it by the handle.

The door finally splintered and Louis bounded into the room.  I jumped back, holding the knife out in front of me. He stopped and stared straight past me with vacant glassy eyes that were not just lifeless, but soulless. Quietly, in all the chaos I wondered what those eyes looked liked when Celia was still alive. He inched forward and I stepped back. "Please, I don't want to do this."

He growled, crouching low, getting ready to leap.

I braced myself...

"Mia!" Luc's panicked voice echoed in from the sitting room.

Louis swung round and bounded away from me, heading back into the sitting room. My heart jumped into my mouth and I screamed, "It's coming for you!"

I ran after it, using all my speed to try and catch up to it. I ran into the sitting room to see Luc standing in the door way, frozen to the spot and staring at the brother he had murdered. Louis was getting ready to leap at him, he was just standing there in a daze. Frustrated and frightened for his life, I screamed, "For god's sake, Luc! Move!"

He did nothing, so I dived at Louis as he sprang into the , without a single thought for myself or my baby, and grabbed onto his legs. I yanked back hard, dragging him back down to the floor with a heavy thud. He howled in anger and turned on me, his razor sharp teeth glinting white in the firelight. Oh god, he was going to eat me. I closed my eyes, waiting to be devoured whole, then suddenly ... CRACK.

I opened my eyes and saw Louis' head twisted 180 degrees in the wrong direction. Luc stood over him, gripping his skull, and with one quick motion he picked up the body and tossed it aside.

"Oh god," I gasped, sitting up on the floor.

Luc crouched down beside me, his hands skimming over my shoulders and arms. "Are you hurt?"

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