Chapter 28b

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The restaurant was a twenty minute drive away in the next town. It was an upmarket Italian restaurant which had received numerous accolades of being one of the best dining experiences in the whole state- I only know this because Laura Taylor had often boasted very loudly in seminars about how the latest rich boyfriend had taken her out there for romantic meal. She used to brag about the three month waiting list and the delicious food which was only made with fresh, organic, local and seasonal foods.

I hated the place already.

We pulled up outside the restaurant and Nico parked the SUV. He instructed me to stay inside the car while he checked the area. Sitting inside the massive blacked out SUV I peered through the tinted glass into the restaurant. I could see through the windows into the restaurant and it was packed with people- very smartly dressed people. I glanced down at my own outfit and suddenly felt stupidly under-dressed. Looking back inside the restaurant I could see a sea of beautiful women swanning about in elegant designer gowns looking perfect.

Damn it- maybe I should have put one of Luc's dresses on ... but then I don't think it would have mattered if I did? I wasn't exactly the model type so I would have probably ending up looking ridiculous anyway.

The SUV door opened and Nico gestured for me to get out. I slid out of the car and stepped onto the red carpet that led to the main entrance of the restaurant. A doorman stood standing outside the entrance smiled at me and touched the peak of his hat in a mark of respect. Awkardly I smiled and for some stupid reason waved.

"What are you doing?" Nico asked.

"I have no idea." I admitted feeling like a fish out of water.

Nico gently took my arm and led me up the carpet towards the entrance. I resisted his guidance trying to hang back a little.

"I can't go in there," I said, "I can't do this."

"Yes you can. You are a Princess- act like one." Nico said.

"But these people don't know I'm a Princess. They probably think I'm some idiot that didn't read the dress code." I replied.

"Mia relax, you will not be sat with the common rabble. Luc has arranged a private room for you both so no one will be able to see you." Nico responded leading me to the entrance.

The doorman welcomed us both to the restaurant and opened the door. Nico and I stepped through and we were immediately greeted by a waiter who then asked for our reservation. Nico explained who we were and the waiter immediately straightened up and wasted no time whisking us away from the main dining area through the restaurant's bar. There were several parties of people in the bar all sitting around various glass tables with colourful drinks laughing and talking with each other. The bar was quieter than the restaurant and because of that I was able to gleam small fragments of people's conversations. One couple at one table was talking about their vacation in the Seychelles, while across the way on another table two men boasted about their average golf score while their wives quietly discussed the misery of becoming 'golf widows'.

The talk was small and insubstantial until we came to briefly stop at the bar while our waiter found us a couple of menus, when suddenly I heard someone say-

"Don't look now but I see the captain of the Prince's guard."

I looked over and saw a group of four people sitting in the furthest corner sharing several of bottles of champagne. There were two women and two men, all wearing clothes that seemed to be ninety years behind the fashion. They were pretending not to look but I could see them sneaking glances at me like I was some kind of celebrity.

"So that must the princess." One of the women added.

"Isn't she lovely- very pretty thing?" One man said in a low voice.

His female companion looked me up and down and added, "Oh yes- absolutely divine! Such a sweet looking creature."

"She reminds me of a Botticelli's angel." The other man added.

Nico must have picked up on the comments too because he suddenly manoeuvred around me, inserting himself between me and those people.

Looking at him I asked quietly, "Are those people vampires?"

He nodded discretely in reply.

I peered around Nico's shoulder and saw them continuing to chat amongst themselves. They were the first vampires I had ever seen beside Luc, Nico, Jacques, Henrietta and the guards.

"Oh Hector you should go and introduce yourself to the Princess." One of the women said to her partner.

Her male companion eyed Nico up and down and said, "I don't believe that is a good idea my darling."

"Oh nonsense, how else are we going to get an invite to the palace?" She argued.

Nico suddenly took my arm and began to walk away from the waiter telling him, "We will walk on ahead. I know the way. Please ensure we are not followed."

Nico and I headed towards a dimmed side corridor signed 'PRIVATE' and began walking down it. He glanced at me and said in tone that reflected his feelings, "Those people are gutter snipes Mia. Stay away from them."

"Who are they?" I asked.

"They are rich people who want to be you." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"In our world money and politics are two different things. Power is only obtained through blood, not wealth. The wealthy want power that they cannot buy so they have to settle with next best thing which is fawning over royalty, bribing them. They'll pay obscure princes to marry their daughters, or seek to gain your favour only to try and manipulate you to their advantage. They are the worse kind of people Mia and they will swarm around you like flies," He said and then added with a lighter tone, "But hey, you will very soon have your own guards to protect from those 'kind' of people now that you are moving into the palace."

My pace slowed at that revelation and I stared at Nico and asked, "What do you mean moving into the palace?"

With a half-smile Nico replied, "Well not to spoil the good news but Louis has told Luc to bring you back to the palace. He wants to start integrating you into court life now that you have had some time to accustom to becoming a vampire."

"What, no- I live here ...and I have college ... and my degree." I stammered.

Nico placed his hands on my shoulders in a mock gesture of comfort, "The situation with Jacques has made the King realize that this human world is not the best place for you. You need to be in the palace where you will be safe from people like Jacques and people like those assholes out in the bar. I know this sounds scary but the palace is the safest place for you, and once you move into the palace you and Luc can be there together forever and you will never have to leave the palace again."

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