Chapter 69

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Hi angels!!

I've been having lots of PM and comments saying 'when u next update?' and the answer is EVERY FRIDAY. So consider yourself informed :D

This week's dream cast is brought to you by @theaqueen- ! This cast is a really beautiful cast so be sure to check out the pintrest board I made for it (see pinned notice on my profile comment board for link).

Luc - Francisco Lachowski

Mia - Gigi Hadid

Nico - Alex Pettyfer

Jacques - Paul Wesley

Henrietta - Adelaide Kane

Louis - Daniel Gilles

Casper - Dylan O' Brien


Please Vote <3


I felt sick and not the physical kind of sick. I felt sick at heart and sick in my soul that anyone could hurt a child this way. I mean, it was a baby for crying out loud. It was a tiny innocent helpless baby who deserved love, protection, and kindness... and not this evil. 

I reached out and gently scooped the tiny remains out of Jacques' palm and into my own hands. The bones were so small and fragmented. My guess was that the baby was somewhere in its second trimester when the unthinkable happened to it, and Celia.

The loss of the a child is often described as the worst pain imaginable, and I think most people would agree. But I doubt few of us would really understand what it is like to loose a child. The closest glimpse I had come to that pain was experiencing the dream I had of Celia searching for her baby. In those few frantic moments, I had spied a tiny glimpse into the pain she had felt. And the only way I could describe it was like a tornado of unrelenting grief ripping me from the inside out.

It was clear that this tiny little baby was deeply loved by Celia. And even after death her spirit longed to be reunited with her child. I wanted to help her, and the baby by helping to put their souls at rest. I didn't know how I was going to do it but I had a good idea about how to make a good start.

Taking the baby I hugged it closed to my chest. "I'm so sorry. I don't know how you got here or who put you here, but I promise that I'll take you back to your mommy so you won't be out here by yourself anymore."

I gently folded the cloth around the baby fearing its tiny bones may in some way feel the bitter cold in the air. Then I placed the parcel in the warmth of Jacques' jacket pocket and stood up. 

Jacques was still crouched over the hole, staring at it in frozen silence as snowflakes danced around us.

"Jacques, we need to go," I said.

He stayed stock-still at the edge of the hole and whispered, "It was just a baby."

"I know," I replied softly. "I think this is what Celia has been trying to show me. And now we've found her baby, it is time to return it to the royal crypt."

"But how? How could someone hurt a child?"

"I don't have an answer for that question and I don't think I would want one. All we can do now focus on getting this little angel back to their mommy."

Jacques nodded mechanically and slowly rose up onto his feet. Together we back tracked through the snow and wilderness in silence.

When we got back to the gap in the wall Casper was anxiously waiting for us. He had a face of thunder and when he locked eyes on us I thought he was going to go ballistic at us for leaving our spot. But when he saw Jacques' expression, his anger immediately turned into concern. He rushed forward to meet us and asked what was wrong, and with a heavy heart I told him of our grim discovery.

Married to the Prince of Darkness (COMPLETED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora