Chapter 79 re-upload

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I didn't to stop to look back and see if the demon was still standing there, watching me. I kept my eyes forwarded focused on the palace. I could see guards up ahead, battling with the thorns. There must have been fifty guards with axes and chain saws, cutting through the black briars and creating an escape tunnel out of the palace. I could see vampires with their clothes torn and tattered, covered in blood and soot, running out of the tunnel into the relative safety of the palace grounds. Relieved and tired, they thanked the guards and took in the devastation of the palace grounds.

Running past them, I ignored the guards warning as they shouted at me not to go inside the palace. I ran through the tunnel and arrived at a small wooden door just as a pair of vampires were exiting the door.

"Don't go in there," one of them warned me. "Prince Luc has gone mad!"

"Do you know how I can get to the East Tower?" I asked quickly.

"You don't want to go there! That is where they are fighting."

"Please," I begged. "I need to go there."

Both vampires exchanged uncertain looks and one of them said, "You can reach the tower by following the corridor left. It will lead you straight to the tower stairs – but I warn you, the tower isn't stable - "

I didn't stay to listen to the rest of the warning. I thanked both of them and enter the palace side door, turning left and following the corridor to the east tower's stair. I arrived at the foot of the stairs and began to climb. Above me, I could hear loud crashes and bangs and the sound of both Casper and Luc fighting.

I tried calling out to them, but I was too far away. My voice just couldn't carry that far in all the chaos. So I ran up the stairs as fast as I could, passing six or seven floors in the blink of an eye. I was so close to the top, I opened my mouth to call out to Luc again when suddenly, I stopped.

The tower shivered as a tremor from its foundations, run up through its walls. My stomach dropped and I sensed that was something terribly wrong. I looked next to, where my hand was lightly resting on the staircase bannister and watched the entire tower wall and the bannister falls away from me.

I fell down on all fours, clinging to the steps, and hoped to God that stairs didn't fall beneath me. As the wall crumbled, sending large chunks of stone and wall down to the ground, I heard the sound of screaming and people running.

The upper walls of the east tower disappeared, leaving only its exposed timber frame and its stairs, which circled upwards, with no walls to support it.

I wanted to look sideways.

I wanted to peak over the now free standing stairwell and look down at the people to make sure they were okay... but I couldn't. Up here I was exposed. The wind was strong and I could feel myself being buffeted against. I had to keep low. If I stood up, I might be blown off the edge.

So now I was crawling up the stairs on my hands and knees, fighting against the wind to reach the top of the. I kept going, scraping my hands and knees on the rough wooden stairs, now covered in dust and debris.

I kept going on my hands and knees until I reached the top of the stairs, where it opened up onto a floor that had been partially destroyed. The roof was missing, but there were bits of walls that had survived in places and seemed to be doing a good job of keeping out the wind.

Cautiously I stepped out onto the floor. I noticed that there were areas of the floor that seemed to be burning. I moved forward, careful not to step on any floorboard that was smoking. Looking around I saw nothing at first, but then I walked around a corner and saw Casper standing in front of me. His back was to me, and in front of him was Luc.

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