Chapter 68

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This week's dream cast is brought to you by Bella! This cast is a Poldark inspired cast - and I love love LOVE Poldark :D

Luc - Aidan Turner

Mia - Eleanor Tomlinson

Jacques - Richard Madden

Nico - Adam Brody

Henrietta - Dakota Blue Richards

Louis - Joseph Fiennes

Casper - Luke Bilyk


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Heavy thick clouds rolled inland off the Pacific carrying more snow. Earlier I had wondered why the streets were empty and now I knew why - we were expecting a snow storm. The sky turned bright with a pinkish hue as the snow clouds loomed over Port Cressida and a light flurry of snow carried by the strengthen wind blew past my passenger window. This type of weather could either work for us or against us.

Jacques eyed the sky with a worried expression. "This doesn't look good - Isn't there something you can do about this, Casper?"

"No, there is nothing I can do with a storm that big. We are going to have to work through it, Jacques."

"Urgh, that's great. Fucking just what we need right now."

Leaning forward in my seat I asked, "Why, what's wrong? I thought we were close to the cemetery?"

"We are close," Jacques began. "But the city cemetery is huge. Pretty much every supernatural that has either lived or died in this city ends up being buried there. The whole site is fucking massive. It starts in the middle of the old city quarter and stretches outwards to the border of the Royal parklands. It's nearly a mile long and half a mile wide, which might sound impressive if we didn't need to be bang small in the middle of it. Trying to find our way through the maze of headstones and mausoleums in the middle of blizzard is going to be some serious next level bullshit."

The cemetery seriously couldn't be that big. Weren't supernaturals supposed to be long lived? So why did they have an enormous burial ground.

"How 'full' is the cemetery?" I asked Jacques.

"It's packed. Supernaturals have to be buried in a special place like the city cemetery for two reasons. Firstly so humans don't ever accidentally wander along and stumble upon a corpse or a set of unusual bones. In the past there was a big market for supernatural body parts as they made excellent curiosities for human side shows. You know the kind of 'come see the vampire fang or the werewolf claw for a dollar a peek' kind of crap. And the second reason is that most supernaturals want to avoid having their remains getting stolen and chopped up to be sold on the black market for either quack medicines or worse, black magic. I'd like to say in this age of enlightenment these things don't happen, but they do. And that is why the cemetery is full to bursting."

"Well there must be pathways and signposts that can help guide us."

"There are in the newer parts of the cemetery but not in the older parts. And where we are heading is to the oldest part of the cemetery. We need to avoid the newer parts where the main entrances are. The King has only been dead a few days and preparations for his official funeral and interment into the royal crypt will be underway. With any luck the blizzard will force any workers or mourner to go back home."

"At least that's one thing working in our favour."

We drove a little further and pulled into an empty side street. Jacques abandoned the car in a vacant lot and we continued to the cemetery on foot.

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