Chapter 77 (re-upload II)

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This is the third re-upload, due to ongoing notification failure.

Hi angels,

My Bloody Fairy Tale has now been taken down. The new rewrite will start a couple of weeks after the end of MPD. There are only one or two chapters left now! I will keep you posted closer to the time, but otherwise have a fantastic week!

I was able to do a bit of a longer update today of 1500 words for you guys! Please enjoy!

Next update will be Sunday.


Remember you can follow me on Facebook and Twitter. (see about section in my profile for links)


Glad so many of you Whovians loved David Tennant as much as I do as the Doctor (and Matt Smith)!

Dream Cast

This week's dream cast is by teeboteb!

Mia - Adelaide Kane

Luc - Dave Franco

Nico - Wade Poezyn

Jacques - Coulton Haynes

Louis - Johannes Huebl

Casper - Matt Lanter

Henrietta - Eleanor Tomlinson

Laura - Maiara Walsh

Celia - Amber Heard

Nurse Poison - Kate Beckinsale.



People hate spoilers, so don't be the silly goose who posts them. No one likes a spoiler goose.

 No one likes a spoiler goose

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Snow continued to fall around us as we pushed our way through the ancient graveyard. The white made it difficult to tell where we were going, but in the snow, I could make out a faint set of two tracks, one belonging to Casper and the other to Luc.

We followed the tracks for a little while, but as the snowfall became heavier each set of tracks were soon covered up. In the disorientating white, we soon became confused which way to go. The rows of snow covered headstones all looked so similar. It was impossible to tell which direction we were now facing.

Jacques stayed close to me, cautiously scanning each section of the graveyard that we passed through. We must've been the only people in the graveyard, but there was an odd atmosphere to the place that I couldn't put my finger on.

I steered a little closer to Jacques. He sensed my unease and whispered, "Do you feel it too?"

"Yes," I nodded. "Something doesn't feel right."

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