Chapter 39

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My mind faded from physical reality and I found myself floating in familiar darkness. It was the same darkness I had experienced once before on the night I died, when my spirit had lingered between the world of the living and the world of the dead. While my bleeding body lay on the bathroom floor dying, my spirit was stuck in this limbo waiting to either cross on to the other side or be dragged back to the land of the living.

I waited in the darkness for death to come.


The voice echoed in the darkness and it was the same voice that had been haunting me for weeks, calling my name, tormenting me. More importantly it was the same voice I had heard in the bathroom before being attacked.


It called again and in the darkness the ghost appeared.

I didn't move. She was right in front of me, hunched over with her head bent forward. I could not see as the thick matted locks of hair created a filthy veil that covered her face. Her dress clung to her body in dirty shreds covered in soil, as if the material had been left to rot in the earth for a time. The pallor of her skin was lifeless yet her shoulders trembled as she drew unnatural rasping breaths.

With great fear I asked, "Celia?"

There was a hitch in her breath, a sudden pause in her erratic breathing that seemed to indicate an acknowledgement of the question I had asked her. Her head lifted like she was looking at me, but dirty clumps of hair shadowed her eyes and face. Eventually she exhaled with a long gurgle and continued to 'look' at me.

Nervously I asked, "Why are you doing this to me? Do you want me dead?"

There was a pause and then the darkness around me dissolved and I suddenly found myself standing alone in a dim and unfamiliar room. Celia was still standing opposite me, she stood in the corner of the room next to a table and small cabinet.

"I don't understand." I said looking at her.

Celia replied by lifting her arm and with her long bony finger she pointed towards the door, and outside I heard sudden footsteps approaching accompanied by the soft squeaking of trolley wheels. The door of the room opens and nurse walks in pushing a trolley with a wash basin on top of it. The nurse does not see me, and I begin to realise that Celia is showing me a past memory.

She hums a soft tune to herself and flicks on a light. The room lights up and reveal to me a make shift medical station with a hospital bed and a table covered in medical equipment and drugs. The nurse pushes her trolley fully into the room and removes the wash basin. The door swings open again and this time a familiar face walks through.

The doctor who tried to sedate me earlier at Louis' command closes the door behind him and says, "Have you finished washing the patient?"

The nurse continues humming but nods her head in reply.

The doctor groans in frustration, "The King is becoming impatient. He does not understand why the Princess Amelia has not woken up yet."

"She has been out for three days- even I am wondering why she hasn't woken up by now." The nurse replied.

"I was sure she was just in shock because of the encounter involving Prince Casper but now we know better..." The doctor said trailing off.

"Oh I know, a royal baby! Who would have ever have guessed the Princess was pregnant. I hear, the King is absolutely thrilled, although I feel sorry for the Queen. She has always longed for a child of her own." The nurse replied.

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