Chapter 54

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"What?" I whispered.

Luc stared at me coldly and repeated again, "I tore his heart out through his chest."

The ground beneath me rolled and I grabbed on to the bookshelf to stop myself from falling to floor. He reached out to steady me, but I recoiled away from his touch, disgusted by what he had just told me.

"Luc, did you seriously murder your own brother?" I asked, praying that this was some kind of a sick joke he was playing.

He reached for me again, refusing to answer the question. He could see the distress this was causing me and with a soft calm voice he held out his hand and said, "Come to me, Mia."

"N-No," I said, feeling hot tears starting to well up in my eyes. "Did you really kill your brother, Luc? Please tell me this is a joke!"

His hand dropped back to his side and with an impatient sigh he said, "No, Mia. This is not a joke. I did what was necessary to protect you, to protect our baby."

I shook my head, breathing shakily and said, "This can't be true. I-I don't understand."

He raked his hand through his hair and muttered, "I knew I shouldn't have fucking told you. I should have known that you wouldn't appreciate the fucking sacrifice I made for you."

"You can't be serious," I gasped. "What on earth would make you think that I'd be grateful to you for killing someone in my name?"

"Because I love you, God damn it! Don't you see it or are you so fucking blind that you don't realise I've just killed my own brother for you! Don't you understand I'd do anything, and kill anyone just for you."

My heart was breaking inside because I was fully realising now, that he was the monster I'd always feared. He truly was the Prince of Darkness.

"Luc," I breathed, "you've gone too far. I don't know what to do anymore..."

I pulled away from him, repelled by his very presence and the thought of the crime he had committed. He watched me silently, his heart breaking too and then lunged for me taking my hand in his.

"Mia, please listen to me. You do not have to do anything, my love. I promise that I'll keep you safe for all eternity and never ask anything of you except this one thing – all I want you to do is love me. I hate seeing you pull away from me in fear. Your fear of me cuts right through me, and it's sharper, crueller, and more painful than any mortal blade. So please, my dark princess, let me love you."

His eyes pleaded with mine, wide and childlike, and aching for love. I looked down at his hands, gently holding mine, and painfully remembered that these were the hands that had brutally murdered Louis, and probably Celia too.

I shook my head, my mouth running dry and whispered, "I'm sorry, Luc, but I can't love you anymore."

I pulled my hands out of his and began edging away from him. He watched me in shock, his eyes becoming darker and darker with every step I took. Abruptly, I felt something through the soles of my feet. It was a soft rumbling sound that was building, causing the floor that I was standing on, to start to tremble and shake. The bookshelves vibrated too, sending some books crashing to the floor. I stopped moving and glanced up to see him walking towards me with a filthy black aura.

Oh god, this was it... he's going to kill me.

He stepped in front of me and pushed me hard into the bookcase behind me. Large hardback books came toppling down around me, and I gasped in surprise when I suddenly felt his hands grabbing both my wrists and holding them behind me. I squirmed in protest, but he quickly pressed his body hard against mine, entrapping me against the bookcase.

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