Chapter 24 Part 1

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So at the top here, we've got Colton Johnson, the younger brother of Albert who's coming back and visiting for the next couple chapters. And underneath him we've got two new characters by the names of Bryce and Zackary.

So to anyone who was frustrated by Albert walking out after hearing Cheyenne's confession......he's doing what he needs to do. And now, in this three-parter, while everyone thinks about this new information and decide how they feel about Cheyennes identity in the 3 parts.....Albert and the others are also about to find themselves in some major trouble, when some familiar faces start to return.

Albert's POV:
I.......I can hardly believe what I'm hearing. After all of this turmoil, heat, conflict, violence, consolation.....and demanding- my house has never been more silent. Cheyenne is standing before me, and rhe others.......and she just revealed herself to all of us. The TRUTH about who she is.

And.......this is even worse than I was hoping it to be. There's so much that she just shared. So many horrifying details.....and I don't even think this is all of them.

I step back and shake my head.
I- I wanna say something about this, and she's just waiting for the next response. But......I just can't do it. Not like this. Not NOW, after everything that just happened my head is TOO crowded! My thoughts about this, are too accusatory! If I say them, it might make her believe the claims even more.....and she wants us to agree.

I.....I think I have to-
I'd rather do anything other than this, but I might not have a choice. I gotta get out of here.
I sigh sadly, and I push past her before I head downstairs for the door. I hope she believes I did it by accident....because I just don't have the heart to walk out of the way.

The others gasp and step aside in shock as I silently walk down the stairs.
"What are you-?" Phoebe whispered.
"Dude!" Wes called out.
"Wh- Where are you going?" John asked.

"Kid, maybe you shouldn't-" Mark said.
"Wait," Vinnie grabs onto Mark, stopping him from following after me.

Curtis turns over to see me coming down. "H- Hey. Albert?"

"Hold it," Spencer whispered.

Some of the others then speak out to.
"Dude, are- are you okay?" Patrick asked.
"Your lip is bleeding, what did they-?" Duncan, who is Patrick's brother, tried to ask.
"Albert, what are you.....doing?" Abby asked.

But I refuse to say anything before I grab a jacket and walking out the door. Curtis is nearly frozen in horror......

I step out of the house, with all of the conflicting thoughts, and try to walk down the sidewalk. I then look over to see my mom pulling in. "Uh oh! Sorry Albert, but Jill and her team let us go early."

Jillian then pops her head out the other window. "Eyo!! We don't need to CRASH this party or anything, do we?"

Colton then jumps out of the back seat. "WHA-CHA!!! Hey there, man!! I'm BACK for the next few weeks and wait til you hear-"

"Not now. Please...."
I look at my mom.....Jillian.......and Colton. Then shake my head with disappointment.
She said that Colton knew? What about them?
Ugh I can't focus on it now.
"I have to go. Now," I say before immediately walking away.

Colton hears this and grows concerned. Jillian and mom glance at each other and colton steps out as I walk down the sidewalk. "Hey, are you okay-?"

Before Colton can do anything else, Curtis rushes out and follows after me. "Albert....WHAT are you doing?!" I keep walking, not nudging.

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