Chapter 6

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Authors note: Happy Halloween.

Warning, what you are about to read contains moments that may be considered disturbing. Graphic violence will be described, controversial depictions will be portrayed, and certain moments might even be triggering to some people. I genuinely hope not 😢
I believe, even if these moments are over the top and too much, that it is EVEN WORSE in reality. Things are about to take a dark turn. You've been warned. God bless you and stay vigilant against His methods of deception. This journey and this story is FAR from being over, but now, we are about to see the first defining event, the catalyst that propels the rest of the story going forward. And let me say, thank you for taking this journey with me so far. I appreciate it so much. Enjoy.

Last time........

"I- I can't control it! I- I CAN'T-!!!"
GASP!! "SHIT!!!!!"

"Cheyenne?! CHEYENNE!!!"


"No where am I even go-?! Oh FUCK, NO!!!!"


"Cheyenne...? Cheyenne?!! SIS, SAY SOMETHING!!!"

Whimpering and shuddering gasps


"H.........H.........Help me............."


"S.......Somebody help! Pl- Please....!!"

Dripping noises and fire crackling.

Tires screeching

Doors opening!
"Let's GO!! VINNIE, Get that fire out!!"

Past POV:
I'm starting to wake up after the crash, after hearing the sound of glass breaking. My eyes are barely even able to open up, and I just groan faintly. "Hu........Huh.......?"

I faint again, but soon I can feel my body being moved by something, only faintly so I am still unconscious. I can faintly hear a few male voices yelling out in a state of panicking, but I can't make out any of the words they are saying, as my ears won't stop ringing, and I hit one of my ears against the horn really bad.

Shortly after, I can see clearly again. But...........

Instead of seeing the car, or the canyon, or even even people who are rescuing me......I'm beginning to see glimpses of my life flashing before me. The faces of my family and all my friends and acquaintances, and several of them look saddened and emotional. Though I can't imagine what the cause is. I see the day Kevin was born and the first time I ever got to hold him in my arms. I see moments of me growing up in church. I see moments of getting dumped by previous jerky boyfriends. The first times I ever saw Angela, I see memories of scenes I've filmed.

What is this? Why am I flashing back to all of these memories?

But.......then everything goes black.
And a mysterious voice speaks out. I can barely hear anything it says, except for the last message: "......but there is still time........When you call, I will answer......."

I'm still very weak, but I'm starting to regain my consciousness after I feel a SHARP pain in my arm after it gets moved. Something wet is flowing down my arm..... I'm bleeding.
Did- Did somebody YANK IT OUT??!!! AWW FUCK!!!

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