Chapter 20 Part 2

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One month later

Elijah pulls up to the church on a new bus, and finds the entire youth group waiting for him.

"Okay, is everyone ready!"

"Yeah, everyone's here. prepared prepared we possibly can be."

"I'm still a little nervous about this..." Stephanie whispered.

"Yeah? Who isn't?" I teased. Then I stand in the middle of the group with a checklist. "Okay let's see. Devon, you got your pass?"

"Yes sir! And Bianca has hers too!"

Bianca is the only one who isn't present with everyone else as she's already riding with the Conquerors.

"What about the flashdrive with our files."

Devon picks it out of his pocket and holds it up with a big smile.

"Okay, what else? Uh, Riley and Zig, you got our banners?"


"Gia and Zoey, our wardrobes packed up?"

"Got them all, and a few surprises."

"Oooh exciting. Freddie, Nathan, our sheets to rehearse on the way?"

"Right here baby!"

"Drew, got the props?"

"All in here," Drew said, lifting up a bag.

"Carlos, our merchandise?"

"Bingo!" Carlos lifts up a couple of CD cases and hats. "We finished printing them off just this morning."

"As usual, ha ha! Uh, Billy, Sky, Trent? Have you got our instruments loaded?"


"Uh oh, what?"

Trenton sighs. "Well........we busted a bunch of our strings last night and we ran out of new ones. And our go-to music store is closed for the day."

"Why are they closed today?"

"The owners are Jewish. And today is the Sabbath," Trenton explained.


"And Skyler spilled coffee all over his keyboard, and it's dead now," Billy added.

"But don't worry. We've got a backup plan," Skyler said.

"What backup plan?" I asked.

Billy snickers. "You'll see."

"I'm still weary on the backup plan." Trenton complained.

"Oh I know you are, but trust me, it'll work out," Billy said patting him on the back.

I then shrug it off. "Okay, whatever you say. And uh......has anyone heard from Mr. Wright?"

"Oh yeah. He just texted us saying he and the others are already up in Vegas. They'll meet us in the parking lot."

"Good. Then we should be good to go. But listen up everyone." We all group up and huddle together. "What we're doing is risky. And this is undoubtedly going to cause some problems between us and the Conquerors even though they'll be leaving town for a while. But we came together and we know why we're keen on seeing this through. It's time to teach them a lesson."

"And Kevin too?" Stephanie asked.

I look down, and nod my head sadly. "Unfortunately, him too. But whatever happens between him and the rest of us, we can't worry about it now. We all need to focus. Remember what we practiced, remember to work as a group tonight. And above all, don't let anything stop you from expressing yourself the way you feel. We may have been raised strictly, but a new beginning. And we're all gonna embrace that new beginning! Isn't that right!"

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