Chapter 27: Conflict Part 1, Spiritual

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Alright guys, we are FINALLY back with the next chapter of the story after 3 Long months. And Oh boy, these past months have been a BATTLE for me and my body! I'm not gonna waste time by diving into everything, but what I WILL say, is that one of the things that has delayed this chapter from being published until now, is that I have had THREE seperate infections in my eyes.

That is right. three Infecitons in my eyes. and I'm still recovering from the third one. And as a matter of fact, I published the previous chapter right when my first infection started. But it was pretty bad, to where my vision was completely blurry in one eye, which is NOT a good thing when you are typing a story like this one. It was difficult to read my screen, it's at least twice as time consuming when you do this work with a single eye, staring at my screen was a potential factor, so I decided to take a little break and allow myself to heal. However I'm starting to get better where I can see ny screen easier, although it's very possible that you will still find numerous typoes and spelling mistakes in this chapter.

Speaking of which, my original idea was to publish another rwo part chapter. However........I promised myself I wouldn't do this again, but this specific chapter is so jam packed, that I'm gonna split it into three parts. Just because, upon evaluation, there were a lot of things I wrote that were rather repetitive, and the order on which I arranged some of these momens was weird. So I've decided, im gonna split them into three just to make these next releases a tad bit shorter in order to hopefully help with the flow. And besides, with this specific chapter, I actually think splitting this into three parts could be fun. And here's why. Things are about to get TENSE.
But before that, what happened to Cheyenne before the guys went out to confront the fox. Well let's touch on that.

Albert's POV:
After giving out some last minute instructions, I know that everyone is prepared, and we're getting ready to head out. But first, I need to take care of one last thing.

Colton is texting our parents in order to have them drop Jillian here later, and while he does that, I'm taking the clothes he brought over in his bag into the bedroom. I changed into the clothes he packed for me, which are a white t-shirt, one of the new hoodies he had custom designed for me from Canada, and some blue jeans. And after I change into those, I bring in the clothes for Cheyenne into the bathroom.

I knock on the bathroom door. "Hey? Could I come in real quick?"

"Huh? Oh. Yeah, just a moment."
I can hear the curtains being rolled.
"Okay. You can come in.'

I step into the bathroom and the smoke is covering the top of the room, while the curtains are rolled shut. I can feel the heat, and I let out a slow whistle.
"Boy, do you even know how hot your water is running?!!"

"Teeheehee! Hey, you can't blame me, after I got super cold yesterday."

"I know but, Sheesh! Are you a Phoenix or Daenerys Targaryen?"

"Ha ha. Very cute. So what're you doing?"

I set down a bag of clothes on top of the counter. "Colton just arrived and he brought your clothes. So I'm just bringing them in."

"Oh? Sweet! Thanks!"

I then close my eyes for a moment.
"And, uh…… could you turn the water off for a second?" I softly requested.

"Huh? Uhhh, sure." She shuts off the water. "What's up?"

"Well, I just wanted to let you know that……" I bite my lip nervously for a moment. "All that commotion that you heard earlier? You don't need to worry about it. Some of these guys just get a little cranky when they don't get enough breakfast. Or enough sleep."

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