Chapter 20 Part 1

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So now, at the top of this chapter, we have photos for the characters, Drew and Devon, two of our supporting characters among the Reno youth group, and Bianca, also known as the PC, Celine. And then these other two images, you'll find out what they mean. Now let's catch back up with Elijah and the kids.

Elijah's POV:
Very soon after my talk with Stephanie, and after our skirmish with Brock and some of the other Conquerors, the cops arrived and they drove me away for questioning. Not because of someone snitching about the fight, but because they were nearby and heard the gunshot, so they just wanted to make sure that everything was alright.

I told them that a gun was fired in order to stop a fight from escalating any further. I didn't mention anything about Celine being the one who shot it, or Brock being the one who brought it, because that would possibly result in either of them, or even Angela, coming back to get revenge on me. Therefore making things worse.

In order to dodge it, I told them, the lights were off and it was hard to see who was who, but that I WAS involved in the fight. After that, they didn't ask anything else, and me and Stephanie were free to go.

So while the fight was a whole mess, for now, none of us are in any trouble with the law or with each other. I just hope it stays that way. Not any legal trouble and not any other least, not until the next morning.

The Mitchell's went in to do some paperwork at their office and they saw some of the damage that we caused altogether. The ice sculpture that was a gift being destroyed- which nearly gave Raymond a concussion from what his sister posted, some dents in the walls from Brock, the back doors snd the glass cracked and the pews and chairs ransacked all over the sanctuary.

So they immediately called me into their office to ask me about this. And, well.....they were not happy as soon as I gave them the explanation. That the Conquerors broke in, and me and several of the other kids fought back.

In their office, I'm sitting in front of them while they stare at me coldly with disappointment. I throw my hands up in annoyance.
"I don't get it. What do you want me to say?!"

"For you to properly explain why you behaved so rash and irresponsible by trashing our church," Sylvia said. "AND for leading our youth into a fight against them! Jacobs, what on Earth were you even thinking?!"

"You know most times I don't even think, I ACT!" I pushed.

"We have enough trouble with their PC group by themselves as it is. And the last thing we need is an all-out brawl between the two of us!" David added.

"I know that. But again, what do you want me to do?"

"To apologize. For acting so reckless and irresponsible," Sylvia said

"Apologize?! IRRESPO-?!!" I stop and chuckle. "Am I the only one hearing this?"

"Mr. Jacobs?"

"You should be thanking me for protecting the rest of the group, and protecting the center from being trashed! Besides they're the ones who started the conflict," I said.

"And yet you led them into an actual fight! Elijah-?"

"And I wasn't leading them into the fight, I was standing up for them, and....I didn't even ask them to help me. But one thing led to another and everyone just stepped in. They volunteered to stand by my side against them!" I continued

"But there was no need for you to stand up for them in the first place, that's the problem Elijah!" Sylvia said.

I'm hearing this and I'm dumbfounded. "'No need for me to stand up-?' Did you NOT hear what I just said?!!"

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