Chapter 27: Conflict Part 3, Physical

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It's been 6 months since I last posted?! Unthinkable!!
Sorry guys, I was going through a hard time with eye infections that I had to take a break from writing to recover. THEN I waited so long that I had forgotten some of the stuff I was doing. So this had taken me so much longer to finish than any other chapter but hopefully this one makes up for it because it's about to go down.
Now let's see. When last we left our heroes, where were we?


Albert's POV:
There I am outside Vinnie's house. Surrounded by my brother Colton and my friends Vinnie, Wes, Johnathan, Mark, Phoebe, Miranda, Duncan, Patrick, Madison, Theresa, CJ, Isaac, Mason, Samuel, Felicia, Mitch, Josh, Drake, Andre, Gage, Harris, Carly, Piper, Jake, Max, Penny, Jane and six of our friends from church who are Watching us.
Against Angela and her Conquerors' Brock, Snake, Tabitha, Ryan, Tobias, Lexi, Donnie, Edd, Nate, Antoine, Griffin, Veronica, Chelsi, Raymond, Shania, Giovanni, Morgan, Bella, Romeo, Joshua, Gia and Geoff, as well as Sean, two people who have droven away, my old friends Zackary and Bryce who we locked inside the house, and Kevin Mitchell, Cheyenne's brother who is working with the people who tormented her.

A few moments ago, I actually heard a whisper from the Spirit. Telling me to get ready.....

And...Angela intentionally whispered her responses to us to avoid letting her other Conquerors hear them. And her words about Cheyenne and everything else had enraged me.

Vinnie, Wes and Johnathan were all enraged.
Mark and Phoebe were enraged.
Miranda was enraged. Colton was enraged.
Even Madison, who hurried over to our side once the guys started getting hostile, she heard some of the other things that she whispered, and she was especially enraged. Enraged by the knowledge that she was really just bullying and harassing an assault victim all along, another victim of the group she despised so much.

I was mad at hearing this too. But I've been trying my best to calm down.
And then...she dragged me and the struggles I hinted at before, and weaponized my own trauma and my own faith, in her disgusting beliefs and claims about assault. At first, all I wanted to do was call her out as a hypocrite, since she would've qualified under the same category, but it's just the way she says these cruelly and full of arrogance, with a smile on her face...that just makes my blood boil inside.

Then suddenly, I turn over and sucker punch her straight in the center of her smug face and as she stumbles back, I lunge up and grab onto her arm, before swinging her to where I end up slamming her face-first into Curtis's car before she falls to the ground. This is done directly in front of everyone!

The eyes of everybody I know here have all bugged out wide and there's a loud collection of gasps from Many of my friends behind me!

"WHOA!!" Wes shouted.
"Dude?!" Mason yelled.
"Holy-" Mark uttered.
"DAMN!!" Theresa hollered.

Angela grabs onto her face and screams loudly. "RRRR!!! AGGHHHH!!!!"

Several of the Conquerors either jump back in shock or shout out in anger. Phoebe and the girls cover their mouths. The guys all holler out in surprise.

"THE FUCK?!!!"

Angela's nose has been broken, and she presses her hands against it and screams muffledly as blood pours out from it.

"Albert, why did you do that?!!" Phoebe shouted out.

I look around. "I...I don't know.."

She then looks back at me, and is FURIOUS.
Lexi carries Angela over to the garage, and she screams muffledly, as blood drips through her fingers.
"You Miserable-! Look at WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!!"

Beauty From Ashesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें