Chapter 12

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Cheyenne's POV:
It is late in the afternoon and I am browsing through a store shopping for groceries.
I roll my cart to the front aisle where Albert is impatiently waiting, tapping his foot. "Come on come on come on, I've gotta get to rehearsal in 30 minutes!"

I smile at him rolling up to the front. "I'm coming, Mr. Eager McBeaver. Ahh. Okay, is there anything else?"

He looks into the cart. "Uh, let me see..... Eggs, sausage, apple sauce, cauliflower, chicken strips. Pretty much ev-"
He squints and lifts up a bag. "Tootsie-rolls, really?"

"Hey, I have a weakness!"

He laughs in response, then turns to the male register. "Okay, we're ready." The cashier nods and begins scanning everything.

"Good. This was exactly what we were looking for," I said.

He then closes his eyes and sighs softly. "Yeah..... What we were looking for......" Albert said. "Much like how I wasn't looking for a pornstar after a camping trip."

I shrug my arms. "Well, what can I say? It's funny how-"
I stop, and I squint as I turn aside to face him. The cashier is looking away as Albert looks at me with an uncomfortable look. "Wait, how do you know about-?"

"Did you really think that you could hide your Cece Phoenix crap behind all of our backs? Do you really think we're THAT blind?!"

I step back and raise my hands. "Oaky time out! Where did you-?!"

"Why didn't you even try to warn us?" he asked loudly.

I step back feeling slightly afraid and confused. "Warn you about what?

He starts to cry. "You.....You don't even realize-"
Then suddenly, large claws are pierced through his chest.

I cover my mouth in horror. "ALBERT!!!"

He screams in agony as he is lifted off of the ground, and the reptilian demon from Hell is behind him, cackling loudly. He coughs up blood.
"You.....didn't warn us.....about, what you SAW....!!!"

Then an earthquake ensues as the ground beneath us starts to crack open, revealing the landscape of Hell. The demon jumps into the cracks, dragging Albert down to Hell. I jump forward, but the ground in the store closes up before I can reach his hand.
"WAIT!!! NOOO!!!!!!"
I then look outside, the entire city is suddenly on fire. Our car outside is being pulled down into the ground. I run outside and I look out in absolute horror. It's as if all of Hell is rising to the top of Earth's surface, consuming the planet with it's flames. "Wha...? What's happening?! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?!!!" Giant flames rise up and devour the city. And when I turn my head back around, I'm beginning hearing people scream. But the voices I'm hearing.......

The first one comes from Albert. "SAVE US!!!!!"

"CHEYENNE, HELP!!!!" Angela cried out.

"NO PLEASE!!!! AAHHHHH!!!!!" Curtis pleaded.

"No! NO! NOOO-OOHHHH!!!!" Johnathan screamed.

"STAY BACK!!! OH MY GOD!!!!" Jillian shouted.

These voices they belong to Vinnie, Wes, Johnathan, Jillian, Curtis, Kevin, Elijah, Mark, Phoebe, Leanne, Colton, Isaiah, Angela and ALL of the Conquerors, my parents, everyone I know who's alive. After awhile, they're all screaming, 'help me!' I'm desperate to run towards them and do something, but I cannot move. I'm suddenly naked, being held by other dead naked bodies. Then a loud stomp comes from behind. I turn around to be smacked into an alley by the Deceiver in his monstrous form.

"You see? With what your sins have caused, you CANNOT escape me...." he spoke out. He steps into the alley, grinding gigantic claws against the surrounding walls, laughing while I tremble in the dead end. "Cece.....Whatever you do, wherever you go, we are carried with you. There's nowhere you can go where we will not follow! Nowhere you can run where we will not FIND YOU! You could've saved your friends, but you didn't tell them. Now they belong to ME!!" I'm left trembling and terrified while fire rises in the back, and the sky turns to smoke as if I have been taken back down to Hell. The screams ring out, demonic laughs grow louder the minute and I'm shaking hard. "So thank you........CHEYENNE!!!!"
Then the Deceiver lifts his arm and swings the claws downward.

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