Chapter 25: Saved Part 3

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Author's Note:
So before we dive into this, I'd like to take a moment to explain the title for the chapter like I promised. SAVED.
In the case of everything that happens in this story, there are really 5 different variations of the word saved that are on display.
1, obviously the concept of being saved by Christ.
2, being saved from making a mistake like running away.
3, being saved from your own inner darkness, by the ones you love.
So last but not least, this chapter is gonna tackle......I know it sounds cheesy but, being saved because the truth can set you free. Because Cheyenne isn't quite done telling her story yet. Particularly......the truth about her going to Hell. This has affected her all throughout the story so far, but here, she's finally gonna get a chance to open up about it.

BUT WAIT, you say! What about the 5th variation?
Excellent question, and you might recall in part 1, that there was a part of the story that I was gonna skip and come back to later. And we're gonna return to that moment first because it's a VERY IMPORTANT variation of the word Saved, and what is that variation?

Saving someone's life.
And that's what Cheyenne did when Albert found her on top of a roof: she saved a girl from jumping off and committing suicide. We figured out as much, but how exactly did she do it? Well, let's find out.

And also, a little behind-the-scenes fact, I accidentally deleted one of my drafts for this entire scene with Cheyenne and the girl. So if you're wondering why this chapter took a while to publish.......well, it was all my fault!
But you're not here to read about me defending myself. No no no no, you're here for the story. So I'll shut up. Sorry. Hehehe

Cheyenne's POV:
It's almost a quarter after 8 PM, the air is super muggy, there's a storm on the way, and now I'm finally coming to the bus station after a long period of sitting alone with......anxious thoughts. Not to mention, depressing ones.

Confessing myself to everyone, being reminded of those disgusting demons, getting into all those fights with my friends...
All of that was enough of a reason for me to call it quits and get out of here.

But then, hearing that one of my tormentors for all these years was the girlfriend of my dead friend, who was THEN harassed by Brock and the others, only to be confronted by ALBERT?!! I mean, just picturing Albert and Brock together makes my head feel like it's about to explode. But knowing that I just told him a lot about my history with them last night, given how he reacted, there's no telling what he might've said to them or attempted to pull on them. I already know he did enough for them to punch him.

And then.....learning about Madison's connection to Dustin.....
It was already painful enough knowing that I indirectly killed my childhood best friend during my time with Angela, and that I was worsening his depression and suicidal thoughts. But now, it seems all too clear as to why his depression reached a certain point.

Dustin always had a thing for tough girls, and he always seemed to have a tougher time trying to find someone he felt was worth his time. I'm not sure what his online interactions with Madison must've been like for him to wanna pursue her, but THEN to realize that, Angela and I scared him away from pursuing her, and made him feel guilty of being unfaithful to her.

It always seemed like Dustin might have been hiding something since he was acting more aloof before Angela persuaded me to invite Dustin to film with us. But now it feels like, if I hadn't snatched him along, maybe Madison could've helped him with mental health and he would still be alive. And instead, he's.......with those things.

Regardless, I've been dwelling on everything else and reminiscing on my time with these people for a good number of hours, and I'm finally at the bus station and the shelter, where I've got about 30 to 40 minutes until the bus arrives and I'm out of here. Where the bus is gonna be going, I don't know. And frankly, I don't care either.

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