Chapter 21

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Hermione woke up a month later.

She'd opened her eyes, and croaked out "Regulus? Where's Regulus?"

Narcissa and Bellatrix ran over to her in disbelief. It had been so long, they were doubting she'd ever leave her comatose state.

"Oh he's just gone to get food, love, he's fine" Bellatrix stroked her hair and helped her sit up tenderly.

"He's okay? I saved him?" Hermione winced, looking around the room.

Narcissa blinked through a watery smile. "Reg's just fine. Normal as ever. His hearts broken though"

"Broken?" Bellatrix snorted "He's in pieces. Blames himself for everything, no one can get through to him. It's ridiculous"

"Oh Reggie" Hermione looked down, feeling awful for leaving him feeling that way for... she looked at the calendar. "A month? I've been asleep for a whole month?"

Narcissa sat down on the end of the bed as Bellatrix pulled up a chair. "Dumbledore hasn't told St Mungo's, but Madame Pomfrey is livid. And the rumours haven't died down yet from what Rosier's said. The most popular is that you were possessed by the Dark Lord there's been whisperings about"

Hermione chuckled, but instantly regretted it. Sharp pains went through her ribs, and she struggled to breathe for a moment. "And my parents? James?"

"Potter came shouting at me the day of the match, but I sent him away. Sirius told us he had a go at him for not telling him what's going on too. Because Sirius, Lupin and Avery are usually here all the time" Bellatrix rolled her eyes. "And for the elderly Potters, they sent a letter and a gift package, somewhere over in the mass of things you have"

Bellatrix gestured to a corner of the room. There were piles upon piles of cards, gifts, food and letters from all sorts of people. "Don't worry, we weeded the cursed or hateful ones out so you didn't have to read them. I thought you should've read them to see how laughable the insults were, but Regulus called me a cold hearted tosser"

Hermione rolled her eyes at her friend's language. "Can I read some?"

Narcissa picked up some she thought were more important or interesting than others and brought them over.


Feel better soon. I'd love to come by and see you myself, hear the explanation of what happened and overall make sure you're okay. I tried to visit a few times, but Bellatrix pushed me down the stairs the last time, so a card will have to do.

Lily, Marlene and Mary

"Did you truly push Evans down the stairs Bella?" Hermione asked, looking at her with a slight disapproval.

"She wouldn't leave. And she kept coming back too" Narcissa replied instead of her hot headed sister.

I want you to trust me again. I want to rebuild our relationship, but I'm not sure how. So I'll start by hoping you recover quickly, and coming to see you when you want me to.

"James wants to rebuild our siblingship apparently" Hermione sighed and looked at the front of the card. It was a snake and a lion, the snake curled up next to the beast, both in sleep.

"Don't let him. I'm Andy or Cissa betrayed me like that I'd be out for blood" Bellatrix said simply.

"Well we can't all be as unforgiving as you can we Bella?"

The door opened with a click.

"Narcissa, they didn't have the sandwich you wanted, but I can ask Kreacher for some if you like" Regulus said, with his back to them as he shut the door.

"Regulus, darling" Bellatrix drawled happily "Nita wants to say hello"

The sandwiches clattered onto the floor. Regulus turned around and stared at her for what seemed like forever. It had been so long since he'd seen her brownish purple eyes open.

"We'll go tell the others" Narcissa said tactfully, yanking Bellatrix after her.

"Aren't you going to say hello?" Hermione held out her arms, and Regulus crawled into them and under the blankets with her. "Hello" he whispered.

Hermione sighed and hugged him closer "How've you been?"

"Shit, Nita. It's been shit. I nearly killed you and..."

"I'm sorry for leaving you, Reggie, but I couldn't have let you fall. I knew I'd wake up again. But it's okay now, I'm back, and it's all okay" she soothed, stroking his hair.

In that moment, the pair felt content, which was a feeling Regulus hadn't felt for a while. The bond they shared gave them both that unknown comfort. But when Regulus detached himself from her when Sirius and Avery arrived, and he felt the numbing sadness wash over him again, so did she.

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