Chapter 49

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Bellatrix was restless. She'd been searching for days, her bloodlust unrelenting, but nothing had come to fruition. So now she sat in Malfoy Manor, her foot tapping against the stone as she waited for the Death Eater mission to end. It was the first time Bellatrix was eager to see the back of the Dark Lord. As the days went on, her anger built and it made her unbearable to be around. Rodolphus and Rabastan had even started to avoid aiding her search.

The whole meeting, Voldemort had been hinting at something. Something that gives the Death Eaters an edge. A weapon. Of course, no one knew what he was suggesting until Regulus Black strode casually into the room. The whole room turned silent, everybody anticipating some sort torture.

"I apologise for my tardiness, My Lord, however my fiancee and I were preoccupied with some Muggles outside Grimmauld" he drawled, opening the door for Hermione to walk through.

They linked arms and took their seats as if they were at home.

Voldemort nodded, a ghost of a smile on his lips. "As long as it is something that supports the cause."

He had no idea of how Regulus was sweating under the collar, nor how Hermione was anxiously crossing and uncrossing her fingers beneath the table.

"In a few weeks time, we are going to hold a mass ransom. Kidnap Muggles. Take them. There will be a holding point you can drop them off at. An old warehouse in the country. In return for them, we take hold of the Ministry. Of course, we could do that anyway, however this is a power play" he explained.

If any Death Eater disapproved or saw a hole in the plan they didn't say.

"Hermione Potter will be in charge of holding the Muggles. Making sure they do not escape. You bring each one to her. Understood?"

Murmurs danced around the room and Voldemort stood, marching away and hissing to Nagini.

Hermione took Regulus's arm and stood also as all the Death Eaters began to leave. The touch brought a small comfort to her as they began to leave.

A cold hand wrapped itself around her wrist and blood red nails clawed into her skin. Bellatrix spun them around.

"The search is going nowhere" she snapped, glaring at the two as if it were their faults. "I cannot find the blood traitor or her mudblood husband."

Regulus drew in a breath and said slightly coldly "perhaps they've left the country"

Bellatrix seemed to consider it. "Perhaps. How lucky are you to be doing the Lords bidding?"

"Quite" Hermione replied with tight lips, but before she could lie anymore, a man walked over.

He was inbetween their ages, with dark eyes and a hooked nose. His greasy black hair juxtaposed limply against his sallow skin and his mouth was turned in a sneer.

"Severus" Bellatrix grinned mockingly, her head tilting. "What a pleasure."

Severus Snape was a newer recruit, who sat quietly alone without contributing much. The only reason Voldemort allowed him to meetings was his extensive knowledge on the Dark Arts and his success and making his own spells. Snape was rather unliked amongst the group as he seemed to be a sort of outsider. Untrustworthy, as well as his relationship with Lily Evans in the past.

Regulus internally rolled his eyes, remembering how long and tedious conversations with the man could end up to be. But Snape didn't stay long. He nodded at the pair curtly and said "The Dark Lord has asked me to give you the warehouse coordinates. Do not let anyone else become aware of them" monotonously.

A grimy piece of parchment was pressed in her palm and Snapes cloak fluttered as he span away.

"I truly despise that man. I'm surprised he doesn't suffer from Hanahaki" Bellatrix spat.

When she saw the questioning glances, the witch explained "a Japanese disease. One's throat and lungs fill with blooms until it's impossible to breathe any longer. The mudblood would have Snape coughing up lilies!"

Regulus looked down at Hermione and smiled slightly. "I'm glad you haven't subjected me to that fate. I'm not quite a fan of Hermione roses. Too pink"

He received a soft shove to the ribs, and Hermione apparated them home secretly glad to be rid of Bellatrix's piercing, hooded eyes.

Hermione arrived at the warehouse early the next morning. The sun was still rising, and the cold winds blew her hair back and forth with the grass.

It was truly in the middle of nowhere, somewhere no Muggle would stumble across. The hinges on the door to the place were rusting so much she had to use magic to push it open.

What was supposed to be a large empty hall was filled with rows numbered cells, each padded with a single bare bed inside. Hermione assumed this was the same for every floor. She transfigured one of her hair pins into a radio and turned it up loud enough so she could hear the music the whole way round.

Footsteps echoing, Hermione began walking up and down the aisles placing bonds on the cells so that they were ready for the Muggles to arrive. It was tiresome and repetitive after a while, so she began to add small things in each. An extra blanket. Water. Small biscuit packets. Anything that would make it seem a little less harsh without giving her away.

Soon Death Eaters started to arrive, bringing people with them.

Hermione took them to the empty basement and made them release the Muggles. They all bundled together in little groups, making the families apparent. "Split them up" she said, biting down on her lip to stop herself from betraying her emotions.

The basement filled with sobs and screams as the Death Eaters selected random men and women and took them to their assigned floors where they were placed in isolated cells.

This happened every day, the Muggles showing up in various conditions. Hermione made sure she aided them and fed them, though some adamantly refused any sort of assistance.

It was becoming so sickening to see the sight every day that Hermione established herself an office. The Death Eaters were well practiced so she was rarely disturbed, only when someone gave her the number of people they'd rounded up at the end of the day.

That was until Thorfinn Rowle knocked on her door.

"Yes" she called, a hint of fear in her voice for what could possibly be the reason he was there.

He opened the door and in his arms he carried a small child. She was crying softly into his shirt, clinging onto it desperately. Her arms were covered in bruises and her blonde hair was matted and wet.

Hermione's hand flew to her mouth. "Salazar. I briefed those prats, no children!"

Thorfinn grimaced. "This was Lestranges doing. Rodolphus. What do you want with her?"

"Leave her here. Tell no one to bother me today" she said slowly, her heart breaking for the girl.

Thorfinn set her down on a chair and left silently. Hermione crouched down infront of the girl and whispered "what's your name love?"

She sniffled and hesitated "Lyra Martins"

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