Chapter 23

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"So, Nita, when's your birthday?" Persephone asked as the girls walked down the cobbled street of Hogsmeade, Honeydukes sweets in hand.

"19 September"

"Ah, a Virgo. That makes sense"

Hermione scoffed and rolled her eyes "You believe in that rubbish? It's ridiculous, a star placement cannot determine your character"

"I think Virgo suits you perfectly. You like to read, you're critical of others, you're a workaholic and you're extremely loyal" Regulus cut in.

"Weren't you going to The Three Broomsticks with A?" Hermione scowled, making Persephone laugh.

"I'm going, I'm going Nita" Regulus kissed the top of her head and walked off, back the way they came.

After a few moments of silence, Persephone asked "So how long have you two been together?"

Hermione almost choked on her cauldron cake. "Reg and I? What makes you think that?"

"Oh it's not just me. The whole year thinks it, that's why people don't really ask you two out. Trust me, you're not unpopular with the Hufflepuffs at least" Persephone explained, sipping at the coffee she'd bought from the small Muggle store.

"Regulus and I aren't together" Hermione said, feeling quite flustered.

Persephone took another sip "if you say so. Nita, can I braid your hair for you one day? I think you'd look beautiful with them" she reached up and twisted a curl with her pinky finger.

"Er sure, I've never had it done before" Hermione still felt rather unnerved. Did people really think that?

"My Mama taught me how to do beads so I could definitely do something like that on the end if - "

Persephone stopped abruptly when the Marauders came to stand in front of them.

"Alright, Nita? You don't know where Reg is, do you?" Sirius asked, and Hermione noticed his and Remus's pinky fingers secretly intertwined.

"Three Broomsticks." Hermione said shortly, looking away from him.

Sirius pulled Remus with him, looking rather hurt, and the girls were left with Pettigrew and Potter.

"Who're you?" James asked, eyeing her now neon yellow braids with interest.

"Sephy Montaine" Persephone answered, noting how Hermione grinned when she used the nickname.

James didn't deem it necessary to introduce himself, which it wasn't. Everyone knew the Potter siblings. "Oh the Quidditch commentator. Mione, I just wanted to check if it was alright if the boys came over again for the summer?"

Hermione regarded her brother with caution. It seemed he was genuine, but knowing him it could be an elaborate prank. How, she didn't know yet. "Yeah sure. I'll stay out of your way"

Peter looked at James as he cleared his throat awkwardly. He didn't understand why James was going to such lengths for his sister, what the point was. "Mione, I was hoping you wouldn't stay out of our way. You know, don't be a stranger and all"

When Hermione didn't answer, he continued "I uh I meant what I said. In the card. I am sorry"

"I'll talk to you about it later, James, I'm having a day out with my friend. Though, I'll think about it" Hermione replied, and James nodded, not expecting anything better.

Peter, however, was outraged. Inside of course.

He could never stand up to Hermione Potter. Even before the Quidditch game she was a force to be reckoned with, with the whole Slytherin house behind her and with how she knew her way around a wand. But Peter just couldn't understand how she could turn her nose up at such a decent apology from his best friend. It just deepened his dislike of the girl, and he was dreading the summer already.

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