Chapter 47

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"Oh I'm so proud of you my darling!" was all Walburga could screech the night she heard the news. She pinched Regulus's cheeks till they were a bright pink and gave him more affection than she ever had before.

He was rather put out by it, wishing he could have just had a quiet congratulations and gone to bed with his fiancée. But of course, that was not his mother's way. She was already planning a pompous engagement party that he was thinking of just not attending.

Regulus looked over at Hermione, who was talking animatedly to his father across the room. His eyesight snagged on the ring glittering on her finger and he smiled slightly as he remembered the story it came with. All Black family heirlooms were accompanied by a story, and Orion used to tell him and Sirius them before they slept. His mother had banned the tradition when she heard of it.

The ring had belonged to his father's great grandmother's cousin. Also his mother's great grandmother's cousin. But anyway, it had belonged to her. Spica Black II. Spica had married Alban Malfoy, her closest and dearest friend despite everybody's wishes. However it turned to be a prosperous marriage and brought great prestige to both houses.

Hermione had picked it for the elegant and understated obsidian and onyx pieces. She'd said he could buy her a flashy wedding ring to make up for it because he had objected to her having such a tiny thing. He thought the story would bring them luck, however.

"Regulus. Regulus are you listening to me?" Walburga waved a hand across his face.

He looked up at her, a small frown finally taking over her strangely happy expression.

"Sorry, Mother, just tired. It's been a long day. You were saying?"

Walburga shook her head, shooing them both to their respective rooms. She said they needed to rest, for the party would be tomorrow. How she expected everything to be ready by tomorrow, neither of them knew, but if Walburga Black meant for something to happen it would happen.

Regulus apparated to the Death Eater meeting point the next day. He sat in his seat between Rowle and Macnair, and Narcissa waved and winked at him from a few seats down.

So his mother had started telling everyone. Brilliant.

"Hey Rowle you know that spell Mione helped you with? The fire one?" Regulus said softly.

"ignis comedentis" Rowel corrected, whispering equally.

Regulus nodded and continued "Well it nearly killed Lily Potter. Real good damage. St Mungo's saved her though."

Rowle grinned and nodded along too. "I'll use it tonight so you can see it in action"

As if on cue, Voldemort glided into the room, Nagini slivering and weaving through his bare feet as usual. He surveyed the room before lifting his wand and sending a stinging hex at one of the Death Eaters.

"Clarius Rowle. Stop flirting with Arabella Finch. I believe she is uninterested. And stop moving from your seat! I made the seating chart for a reason" he said in a quiet cold voice that drew everyone's attention.

Thorfinn and Elladora exchanged glances and rolled their eyes. Since they were at Hogwarts, Clarius has had the biggest crush on Ara. Them being on the Quidditch team together had only amplified things. Now even the Dark Lord was fed up of his hopeless advances.

"Now tonight we are going to kill Robert McGonagall Jr. One of your Professor McGonagall's dear brothers. A public assertion of power. On this mission tonight are Thorfinn Rowle, Bellatrix Lestrange, Evan Rosier and Regulus Black."

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