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Lyra knocked on the door to a flashy apartment in Diagon Alley. She had a duffel bag on her shoulder, and when the door opened she chucked it on the floor and sauntered in. "Uncle Moony" she smiled, high fiving him.

A shaggy black dog looked up at her from the leather sofa he was lolling on when she entered the front room. He rolled onto his back as she sat down. Lyra scoffed "No. That's what Uncle Moony is for, Sirius. Ew"

The dog disappeared and Sirius swatted at her. "I hate you"

She picked up the remote for the Muggle telly and started to flick through the channels. She landed on an old recorded concert of Queen and left it on in the background. It was the middle of November but the balcony door was still wide open, letting the chill in. You could hear the general chatter of the wizarding public wafting into the room. Remus came in with tea and shortbread and a weed roll up on a tray. He dropped the tray down on the table and took his smoke outside onto the balcony. Lyra noticed fresh scars on his arm.

"Rough moon?" she whispered, moving over to grab her mug. She had a bunch of things at their house. It was like her home when she wasn't with Andromeda and Ted or Narcissa and Draco or the Weasleys. Lyra had many homes, but this was probably her favourite. It was like living with her cool older brothers, whereas Andromeda and Ted were more like replacement parents. Narcissa was her wine aunt that lavished her with gifts and the Weasley's was just like living with her best friend's family that liked her more.

"Yeah" Sirius muttered, bringing his own cup to his lips. It was something Harry had made for his birthday a while back, a childlike bunch of random colours splashed around on the ceramic mug. They were quiet for a while. "Paint my nails for me, pup. I'm thinking black and red."

She took his hand in hers, surveying it with scrutiny. His tattoo sleeve came down to his wrist and she could see parts of it. Sirius had dozens of tattoos, some for people others just out of spontaneity. He had one section of his sleeve dedicated just to her, Regulus, Alphard and Andromeda, constellations decorating his bicep. A wolf, dog and stag walked around on his chest and the date of the final battle was stamped by his shoulder. Narcissa, Nita and Lily were entwined in a bouquet somewhere on his back. "You're gonna need a whole manicure, Uncle, these are awful"

He grinned and jumped up, running off into her bedroom. He came back with an armful of products threatening to spill over as Lyra hummed along to We Will Rock You. Freddie jumped around on the screen, offering the crowd the mic as they stomped and clapped. The two men had truly introduced her to various different Muggle musicians, but Freddie Mercury would always have a place in her heart. Andromeda wouldn't let her and Dora play Muggle rock in her house, but when she went out Ted joined in on the mini concert.

Sirius laid his hands down flat on the table and she got to work, filing his nails.

"How's Harry?" Lyra asked cordially. The Potters weren't her favourite subject. She despised Harry's parents really, but that couldn't be blamed on Sirius's godson. "He's Draco's age, right?

"Yeah. Starting Hogwarts next year" Sirius grinned. His eyes sparkled when he spoke about him, like Harry was his own son. She felt jealous from time to time but Lyra reminded herself that she didn't know how people spoke about her when she wasn't there (unless she borrowed Tonks) so Sirius could be the same with her.

She nodded, blowing on one of his hands and cleaning them with a massive fluffy brush. "Do you think he'll cause Minnie anymore grief?"

He chuckled "You, Tonksie and Weasley have done an alright job since we've all left. I guess it just depends if his friends are a good bad influence. Lily's given him too many morals"

Lyra started on the second hand. Somebody to Love came on, and they both looked at each other intensely over the table. Their grey eyes were mirrored exactly and they burst into song at the same time. They could hear Remus shouting along with them from the balcony. Lyra would've been sorry for the shopkeepers if this wasn't a daily occurrence.


With his freshly painted nails and appearance totally dictated by Lyra, Sirius looked like a cooler, fitter Bon Jovi in his prime as he walked through Diagon Alley. Remus had his arm linked through his, his aesthetic entirely different. He had a warm jumper on protecting him from the cold Lyra and Sirius pretended not to feel and the only thing tying him into the rock vibe they had going on was the cigarette in his mouth.

"Where to?" Remus asked, the wind blowing in his face.

"The Three Broomsticks" Sirius called into the air, his words carrying. He apparated them away and they landed in a booth.

"Rosie" Lyra hollered, and the witch looked up grinning.

She brought over fresh firewhiskey and a butterbeer for Lyra, pinching the girl's cheek and tugging on one of her curls. "My favourite customers! How are you all?"

Various answers ensued, but she just nodded and agreed.

Lyra nudged Rosmerta slyly and raised her tankard "How about we trade this for another firewhiskey?"

She rolled her eyes. "It seems like only yesterday all your uncles were doing that. Your dad was the only one with convincing reasoning"

"Which was?" Sirius asked indignantly. He'd reserved his best charm for Rosmerta back in the day and it wasn't enough. Not even bribery forced her hand.

"He was my favourite customer" Rosmerta shrugged. "And always will be. You three don't cut it"

The witch walked off, her skirts swishing around her ankles. Lyra looked down at her hands, many rings sparkling on each finger. She stroked the different ones that belonged to her parents.

"I'll trade you" Remus winked and switched the glasses. The kid was 16. He was way younger when he drank. "To lowering the drinking age"

"To lowering the drinking age!"

The glasses clinked merrily together, adding to the warm, celebratory atmosphere of the pub.

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