Chapter 62

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"Is Lily.. how is Lily?"

Snape was swirling a firewhiskey around in his cup, not particularly fancying it.

"She's alright. Her son Harry is healthy" Hermione answered carefully.

"I've heard some news. About Lily." He looked pained, like he couldn't get the words out. "There was a prophecy"

Hermione arched a brow "A prophecy?"

He took a deep breath and leant forward, his voice hardly a whisper "The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches
Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies
And the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not
And either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives"

"What does that have to do with Evans?" Hermione asked slowly, fear creeping into her voice.

"The Dark Lord thinks it's her baby. He wants to get rid of Harry Potter"

Hermione's eyes widened. "You bastard" she yelled, kicking her chair back.

Snape hung his head "you need to protect Lily. He'll kill her"

"Protect Evans? You've sent my brother and a baby to death, and you only think of Evans. How selfish can you be, Snape?" Tears stung at her eyes.

"Protect them all then." Snape waved a hand  "He's after the child and he won't stop until he's dead."

Hermione sneered "that's what you want isn't it? Them dead? You've probably been praying to every god for James's death since first year"

Snape laughed drily "Maybe so. But he's... he's Lily's husband. I can't ruin that for her"

Hermione rolled her eyes and snatched up her cloak. She walked over to the door, but turned her head and said coldly "I'll give them your regards."

Left nursing alcohol in a dark, empty pub, Snape expected to feel as hollow as he usually did. Instead it was joined by guilt and sorrow and the only thing he could do was wash it all away until he was in a drunken stupor.


The doorbell rang.

Lily passed Harry to James and rushed to open it. She didn't expect to see a tearful Hermione on the door step.

"Where's my nephew?" She blurted out, her voice unstable.

Lily frowned and stepped aside "with James... Hermione what's wrong?"

She walked inside and called for her brother with urgency. He strolled out of the kitchen and Hermione swiped Harry from his hands. She stared into his green eyes and her heart broke. Her little nephew was being hunted by the most evil man the world had spat out. And he didn't have a chance.

"You need to go into hiding. The Dark Lord is looking for you. These wards won't keep him for long"

James pushed his glasses up his nose "The Dark Lord's always looking for us, he's asked us the join him like three times"

"No" Hermione shook her head "he seeks to kill Harry. There was a prophecy"

Lily's hand drew to her mouth "what prophecy?"

Hermione conjured a dark ball, the purple energy almost black it was so raw. Severus Snape's signature bored drawl was seasoned with worry as he read the prophecy to them.

"Between Neville and Harry he chose Harry. For reasons I cannot explain. I do not know. But I have a plan to help"

"Snivellous said this? You can't believe that, Mia he's doing this to spite us, to scare us" James said, tears underlining his eyes as his face contorting with anger.

Hermione shook her head with controlled sadness "No, he would never. He isn't capable"

"Not capable -"

"Not capable of hurting Evans again. You didn't see him James. He couldn't lie about a thing like this"

Lily looked up and held her arms out. Hermione passed over her baby and she rocked him slowly, kissing his forehead. "Is Sev alright?"

Hermione shook her head "No. After telling the Dark Lord of the prophecy he rose higher in the ranks, but his mental health is in the dungeons"

They sat in silence for a while. James and Lily huddled around their baby, keeping him in their little bubble. Hermione had the pleasure of watching.

Finally, James looked up. "What's your plan?"


"It's time for some renovations, Reggie" Hermione said as she walked through the door. "James, Evans and Harry are coming to stay"

"What" Regulus called back incredulously.

"I'll tell you the story later. But now we need to build an extra room for them. They can have a bathroom too, I can't imagine us all using the same one"

Regulus sighed. "When are they getting here?"

"Tonight. They just need to pack"

"I'm going to Andy's" he announced apparating away swiftly. He couldn't stand the Potters. Not at all. And he knew his wife was only doing this for her nephew, but Merlin he wasn't going to enjoy these next few months. He was gone for the rest of the day, absent when the family arrived.

When Regulus got home, Harry had been put down, Lyra was reading in her room and the adults were drinking coffee in the living room. James was sitting in his chair.

He took one look at the room, a sweeping glance inside, before saying with a tight jaw "I'll be upstairs. Goodnight"

Regulus heard Hermione mutter something about adjusting but he ignored her, going into his daughters room.

She was sitting in bed, covers tight up to her chin. Her lamp was on and it was projecting stars around the room, illuminating it enough so she could see the words on the pages.

"Hiya darling" he said quietly. "Did you have a nice time at the Weasleys?"

Lyra set down the book and wiggled over so Regulus could get in too. "Fun. Charlie and Percy call me Star now. Mrs Weasley let me hold Ron. He's only small"

Regulus nodded, stroking her hair. She leant her head on his chest and yawned. They were quiet. Some didn't like the quiet. They buzzed with words, waiting to fill it with meaninglessness just so they weren't stuck with their own thoughts. But Regulus and Lyra found themselves in the quiet more often than not.

Regulus found himself breaking it. "Lyra, your cousin is going to be staying here. Baby Harry"

"Okay" she said sleepily, not really taking it in.

"As are your aunt and uncle. Now I know you don't like other adults, don't trust them. I also know they wouldn't harm you, not on purpose. But I need you to know that I'll always protect you Lyra, from anyone" Regulus said in a fierce whisper, looking down at her.

"I know Daddy"

His heart melted and the pair fell asleep together there, tucked in in Lyra's tiny bed.

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