Chapter 25 pt1

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"So where did you and Sirius go yesterday?" James asked.

After the boys had gone to sleep, he'd climbed up to his sisters room to have a chat. He knew she'd be awake, the whole house can hear her creaking about on the old floor boards when she forgets the silencing charm.

Hermione had been surprised to see him when she opened the door, because he'd never been up there before. She let him look around before he settled in the chair and started to ask questions.

"To Andromeda's house. Regulus and Cissa... Narcissa came too"

James's eyebrows rose slightly "you all know where she is? And you won't tell the Blacks? That's brave."

"It's loyal" Hermione corrected, making a gust of wind fly through the hot room with her hands. Even though Hermione did it around the house now, it still awed him each time.

"How come we couldn't come?"

"Because I won't have Andromeda dying because of you. Whether it's by torture or bribery. Even having secrets that would ruin your lives isn't enough leverage"

"Merlin, Mione, you always turn every conversation grave" James scoffed.

The uncomfortable silence settled.

Hermione cleared her throat awkwardly. "Andromeda's had a baby. Nymphadora -"

"Vile name"

James's eyes widened. He'd both interrupted his sister and insulted someone she cared for when he was supposed to be building bridges.

To his surprise, she chuckled "I know. We call her Dora. I'm her godmother"

She dug through her bag and produced a photograph to show him. Hermione was holding Dora on her lap chuckling as she stuck out her tongue, Regulus had his arm wrapped around her shoulder, and he was grinning at her. Andromeda and Narcissa were posing behind the sofa, with Sirius pulling faces inbetween them.

"Classic Padfoot" James murmured. It struck him that Hermione's smile was wider, more genuine around the Blacks. In the last family photo they had done, James was joking with Fleamont, Euphemia was scolding them light heartedly, and Hermione was just there. She sat by the edge of the frame, watching the interaction with her mask on. She didn't wear her mask around the Blacks. "You all look happy"

"We were" She took the photo gently and placed it in a frame. Hermione used her wand to levitate it onto the wall, and it gave them the motive to observe all the memories on display.

James's eyes flitted between images of his sister with the Black sisters, Avery, even a selfie of her and Sirius and Remus at a Quidditch game. He lingered on the one appearance of Lily, before deciding to comment on the one of Hermione and Regulus dancing.

"Evans showed us that" he pointed "when she came back from the dance. Marlene was cooing at it, it was disgusting. I think Evans was trying to make a point"

"The point being?" Hermione prodded.

"That they care for you. The lot of them, even Sirius though not at the time. I think it pushed Sirius to reach out. It just annoyed me"


"Because you felt more at home at the place Sirius called a horror house than here. It pissed me off."

Hermione thought about it for a moment. "And this is you reaching out?"



Hermione was once again in the library, peacefully trying to finish The Picture Of Dorian Gray, when the Marauders came barrelling in.

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