Chapter 22

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"Acid Pops"

Hermione walked up the winding stairs and walked into Dumbledore's office without knocking. "You requested to see me, Professor?"

Dumbledore looked up from his papers and gestured to the seat in front of him "Do you know anything of the war threatening to ensue?"

"Yes, I've read the Prophet. Though probably nothing you don't already know" Hermione replied, sipping the tea the man hand conjured.

"Well then you'll know that the attacks are getting more destructive. You are my solution"

"Excuse me?"

"I would like you to train your powers so you have complete and entire control. Then over time, you'll be key to helping us win the war" Dumbledore explained, his blue eyes boring into hers. He put his finger tips together and studied her, trying to gauge her reaction.

"No, thank you" Hermione declined, putting down the teacup and readying to leave.

Dumbledore looked perplexed. "No? Is that not selfish, to not help people under prejudice?"

"I am not a weapon, Professor. I'll gladly partake in helping fight for the Muggleborns, but I will not be used for your gain" Hermione spoke tightly, itching to leave.

Dumbledore looked at her for a second, before Hermione felt probing in her mind. Like the coming on of a headache or the feeling when you just woke up in the morning and the sun's too bright. She started to lose sense of her surroundings, the room blurring around her. Images of the Grimmauld Place library, the Potter's Christmas Ball, her 6th birthday party flashed in her minds eye before Hermione could gather herself and push the old wizard out.

"How dare you" she sneered.

The man seemed unfazed, if not a bit surprised by her skill. "You won't help me, so I thought I could delve deep enough to find your mother. The person who gave you to the Potters. Obviously not. Another time, perhaps"

"You have no right! No right to invade my mind, my privacy! The Wizengamot -"

"May I remind you that I am the Chief Warlock on the Wizengamot. Ueni magic could win us this war, Miss Potter. You may leave"

Hermione reached the door, her hand on the knob, when Dumbledore called her back "One last thing Miss Potter. You are required to wear this, if you are to remain a pupil at Hogwarts"

A necklace appeared in her hand. It was a gold chain, and attached to it was a purple crystal wrapped in golden wire.

Before Hermione could answer in any way, Dumbledore smiled at her "Off you go"

Hermione slammed the door behind her, stuffing the necklace in her satchel, and ran out into the corridor. She didn't get very far until she slammed into someone.

The girl had dark skin, that glittered with the highlighter she had on her defined cheekbones. Thick, dark green canerows cascaded down her back, and she had a gold ring hooked through her nostril.

"Watch where you're going will you?" She said, picking up the books she'd dropped.

"You're not afraid of me" Hermione noticed, her lips turning up slightly.

"Of course not. Ted told me you're lovely, though from the way I see it, your manners could improve" The girl brushed her Muggle jeans down before reaching out a hand "Persephone Montaine"

"Nita Potter" Hermione shook it and started following Persephone down the corridor.


"I feel like you and I will be friends. My friends call me Nita"

Persephone looked at her side ways "your friends scare me"

Hermione burst out laughing as they turned a corner to the hall. "Mine? Reg and Avery are the sweetest people I know, though don't tell them that, they like their facade"

"Bellatrix hexed me when I was in first year for stepping on her shoes" Persephone scoffed, making her way to the Hufflepuff table. "I'll see you around. Nita"

"See you, Sephy" Hermione called back and watched the girl stiffen slightly before continuing to walk away.

Hermione slid next to Regulus and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. If it was possible, the pair had gotten a whole lot closer after Hermione woke up. She let him look after her, as she was extremely weak for days, and he was just happy to be around her. To remind himself that it wasn't just a dream that she was awake.

Narcissa didn't say anything about the bond to them yet, but she found it interesting to watch their behaviour around eachother. Like today at lunch when Regulus suddenly felt extremely angry for a couple of minutes and snapped at people, but then reverted back to normal.

"How was your meeting with Dumbledore?" Regulus turned his head to ask.

"He wants to use me as a weapon. For the war. And he wants me to wear this, or I'm kicked out of Hogwarts" Hermione answered, their noses brushing against each other before she blushed and brought out the crystal.

Bellatrix was curling her fingers through Leopold Rosier's hair at the other end of the table when she saw the crystal. "Don't touch that" she screeched.

The whole hall stopped and looked over to the seventh year, who was marching over to Hermione. Bellatrix swiped the necklace out of Hermione's hand, and held the chain between two fingers so the crystal hung infront of her face.

It took her a few moments to realise she had an audience "it's nothing to do with you" she practically screamed, and if the students of Hogwarts hadn't known how villainous she actually was, they probably would've laughed at her.

"What is it Bella?" Regulus asked, watching his cousin go cross eyed to inspect the crystal.

Bellatrix started to laugh, "Oh Dumbledore! He's a sneaky one. Merlin knows why he wasn't in Slytherin"

"Bella" Narcissa said tiredly, turning around to look at her sister.

"Oh Cissy you don't know what he's gone and tried to do to Nita. I'll get him for this one day. Oh I will" Bellatrix sat down and bit into a red apple she'd plucked from a basket.

"Spit it out won't you?" sighed Regulus, rubbing subconsciously at the scar on the back of his neck.

Bellatrix's crazed laugh came to an abrupt stop. "That Dumbledore gave Ninita a power draining crystal. It sucks up your magic until you're practically a Muggle. They force some people in Azkaban to wear them, they're despicable"

"Oh that bastard" Hermione whispered under her breath before telling them "He said Ueni magic would win the war. He was going to steal mine"

"Well there's an easy solution to that" Narcissa said, whipping out her wand. "Gemino"

The necklace duplicated, and Narcissa handed Hermione the replicate "it's pretty, you know. And Dumbledore will never know the difference"

"Amazing Cissa" Hermione grinned, clipping it on and tucking it beneath her robes.

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