Chapter 28

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TW: slight homophobia and torture

The sun peeked through the curtains and shone on Hermione's face, waking her up. She yawned and stretched, looking around the room and feeling dread of Bellatrix's warning flood through her again. It ached, and she flopped back down on the bed with a sigh.

Hermione only realised Regulus was still in her bed when he started to wake up himself. She gasped, shaking him awake rather aggressively "What are you doing in here?"

Regulus squinted, rubbing his eyes "You asked me to stay because you were having nightmares. So I stayed"

"That's inappropriate Regulus! You know that. If your Mother came in... you shouldn't have listened to me"

He chuckled drily, devoid of humour "she'd probably give me speech about how practical I am, and start planning our wedding" when he saw her stricken expression, he added softly "don't worry Nita love, you don't have to. I'll probably marry Ev, though Mother has her heart set on you"

Regulus stood, straightening his crinkled clothes, before walking from the room with his eyes at his feet. He missed Hermione's scowl at the mention of Evanora. When he closed the door behind him, he bumped into Sirius. The brothers locked eyes, and they were tensely silent for a moment before Sirius let out a low whistle.

"With your parents in the house? Classy, Reg"

His cheeks pinkened considerably "We didn't do anything, she's my best mate. I just kept her company"

Sirius turned around and began to walk off, whistling "if you say so, brother"

Regulus chased after him as he wandered into the kitchen. "She's having nightmares. About the Dark Lord. Bella says he wants to recruit her"

Sirius's smirk clouded over "and? What did she say?"

"No, you idiot. Of course she said no" Regulus swatted at the Gryffindor. "But the nightmares aren't the only reason I was in her room"

Sirius raised a brow, and Regulus swatted at him again "not like that. It's like I felt her being sad. Like I was scared myself. Her nightmares woke me up."

He stopped pouring milk into his cereal bowl abruptly at his brothers words "you... you felt it?"

"I know it sounds weird, but there's something else. When I woke up, I was sort of glowing. From underneath my skin. I'll have to do some research, but I'm pretty sure it's Nita's magic -"

"No! No, no research" Sirius exclaimed, and Regulus's face rearranged into a suspicious expression. He studied his brother meticulously, eyes darting around and surveying his nervous body language .

"Why not?" 

"Uhm. Just ask Cissa. She'll know. She'll explain." Sirius scampered out of the kitchen, leaving Regulus to make his breakfast solo.

Walburga Black was suspicious. Now, she was always suspicious, because that was her nature. But she had heard whisperings of the upcoming war, and she was looking for leverage. Leverage to force her disgraceful son into the Death Eaters ranks, to ensure the Black's safety.

So she knocked on Sirius's door swiftly, stunning him when he opened it. He fell backwards, hitting the floor with a yawn still stretched across his face but his eyes full of panic. Sirius watched his mother rifle through his drawers and scowl at the posters he had stuck on the wall.

"Sirius. Understand I'm doing this for the family. I need you to join the Death Eaters, to ensure we are all safe. And you will do so" Walburga said as she scavenged around the room, deliberately stepping on his hand.

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