Chapter 60

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"Merry Christmas my love"

Lyra woke up in her little reindeer pyjamas to see Hermione, Regulus and Sirius standing by her bed.

Sirius passed her a mug of hot chocolate, topped with whipped cream and sprinkles and cinnamon, as she got out of bed. "Come on, pup, St Nick's been for you"

She took a sip of the drink, foamy cream staying around her nose. "Who?"

"Father Christmas" Hermione amended and laughed as Lyra jumped up and sprinted down the stairs, the hot chocolate splashing against the walls of the mug.

She sat down in front of the tree, waiting expectantly.

Sirius put the music on, Christmas tunes filling out the room. Regulus began frying breakfast and Hermione sat next to her daughter. She crawled onto her lap and leant back, buzzing with excitement.

Regulus put the pancakes in the oven so they didn't get cold and joined his favourite people under the tree.

They exchanged gifts, Lyra getting an assortment of stuffed animals and chocolates from others like Remus and Avery & Rosier. She got a locket from her parents that had a photo of the three of them inside, amongst many many other things. Sirius and Remus gave her a book of pranks.

But at the back of the tree, underneath all the tinsel sheddings was a wrapped box addressed to Miss L. Black.

It held a scroll inside, and she opened it up to reveal a blue inked piece of fabric. It had golden thread lining it and in the middle was a threaded image of the stars. Made bolder was Lyra's constellation. At the bottom read Lyra Ninita Black in calligraphy.

Hermione gasped "that's.. no.."

"What" Regulus asked, the smile draining from his face.

"This is from Potter Manor. Someone must've torn it from the sky we have in the library. What does the tag say?"

Sirius read "From Uncle Jamie, Lily and Harry"


The festivities were in full swing when they arrived at Potter Manor. Well, as full as they can be when the family is supposed to be mourning.

Regulus had gone to Andromeda's house so as not to be alone, but the rest of them sat at the dinner table.

Sirius's hand was in Remus's the whole time and Hermione and Lily had a civilised conversation about the differences between Muggle and Wizarding Christmas. Hermione wanted to incorporate Muggle ideas into Lyra's life, and Lily was more than happy to oblige.

The house elves had cooked a brilliant feast, every sort of Christmas food found on the table. Lyra couldn't believe it. Her plate was always on the verge of spilling over. Majority of the things were things she'd never tried before, or been allowed to try before.

It was all very warm and happy and calm. It had been over a decade since she'd felt all three in the present company at her house. Maybe it was the new children. Maybe it was the death of her parents. She didn't know. But she quite liked it.

Baby Harry gurgled and laughed in everyone's arms, playing with their clothes and pulling gently at their hair. He was the joy of everyone's night.


Narcissa knocked on the door of the cottage a few nights later, Draco tightly in her arms. She had a satchel across her emerald green cloak and, despite the mink scarf wound tightly around her neck, she was freezing. As soon as Hermione opened the door she pushed her way in and rushed over to the fire. She gave Draco to Regulus and sat on the floor, shivering infront of the flames.

"Warm him please" she muttered, not looking at either.

Regulus obliged, waving his wand and fetching more blankets. "What're you doing here, Cissa ?"

"Lucius has my wand so I couldn't get warm. He took it because he doesn't trust me around Draco anymore. Around my own son"

Hermione wrapped a quilt around Narcissa's shoulders and passed her a cup of tea.

"And I've had enough of it, truly enough. So I brought you something." She rummaged in the satchel, bringing out an old diary. Hermione was overwhelmed by the force of dark magic pulsating from it. "The Dark Lord entrusted it to him. I want it gone. Destroyed"

Regulus frowned "that could mean your death Narcissa"

She was still trembling, though no longer from the cold. "I do not care, Regulus. I'll go to Sirius. I'll find refuge somewhere. I just need to get my things together"

Draco began to cry, snivelling and feeling trapped in all the blankets and clothing. Narcissa took her baby and rocked him slowly, cooing and shushing him. She held him close and the maternal sight was so heartbreaking.

"I'll send for my brother Cissa, but do know that Draco is always welcome here. Along with you of course" Regulus said quietly, before bowing out and moving into the kitchen. He sent his Patronus out, the snake slivering away.


Sirius sat at Dorcas's house, drinking fire whiskey with her and Remus. They were hanging out as some of the only people without children in their group. Frank and Alice and James and Lily had their play dates, whereas these three had their little drinking sessions to get away from it all.

Not too far into the evening, a snake appeared in the middle of the living room. It glowed, lighting up the dark room. His brothers voice sounded "Narcissa and Draco are in danger. Come to where I stay at once. Come alone"

It disappeared as quickly as it had come and Sirius jumped up. "I have to go"

Dorcas scoffed, her words slurring "who cares if they're in danger. Don't they have a whole army of terrorists at their disposal"

Sirius ignored her and kissed Remus goodbye, apparating to the cottage. He banged on the door, anxiety coursing through him, and when Regulus answered he charged in. "What's wrong"

Narcissa looked up, looking so defeated. "I'm leaving Lucius"

"Brilliant... where's the danger?" Sirius frowned.

"I've stolen something the Dark Lord gave him, it being of utmost importance that it's protected, aswell as his son. My betrayal means my death, Sirius, and I need your help. You said you'd always help me" tears had collected in her eyelashes, making them spiked.

Sirius wrapped his arms around her. He held her tightly and said into her hair "of course. Of course I'll help you"

"Andy" Hermione said slowly "she can stay with Andy. Bella's been searching for her since.. well our engagement probably and she hasn't found her yet"

"Plus" Regulus added "Dora would love Draco. Lyra and Charlie Weasley are there a lot too. He'd grow up in a warm family until you get your own place"

Narcissa sniffed as Sirius let her go. "She won't want me there. Edward won't either"

Hermione took Narcissa's face in her hands. "Andromeda knows what it is to leave an abusive household. I'm so proud of you, Cissa. You're so brave"

She nodded, tears spilling silently. They ran tracks down her pink cheeks, seeming to never end. "What are you going to do with the diary? What sort of magic is it?"

Regulus glowered at the book. "It's a horcrux, and I thank you Cissa. You've made our job a lot easier. We've been looking for these."

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