Chapter 29

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Hermione and Regulus sat in their compartment with Avery and Rosier playing Exploding Snap.

Regulus and Sirius hadn't spoken since the day they visited. When they got home, Regulus broke down (after Hermione's pestering) and explained that he had told Sirius about the situation he had left him in. Essentially, no way out unless he ran away. And he didn't want to.

In truth, he did. But he still loved his father deeply, and he didn't necessarily wish death upon Walburga. Yet. Not to mention Hermione by association, and his favourite cousin Cissa. He couldn't risk his whole family, just because he was squeamish. Though he knew being a Death Eater was more than a violation of his hate of seeing blood.

He expected Nita to yell at him, like Sirius did. Tell him to take his life into his own hands, and not put it in their mother's. But she didn't. She nodded and hugged him, telling him it would be alright.

She yelled at him later.

"How were your summers?" Rosier asked. "After the ball and everything"

Hermione tried to be casual "I'm living with Reg now."

Rosier and Avery had been discussing the pair in their letters. The shared jealousy in particular. But now their mouths dropped.

"Explain" Avery finally said.

"Nita ran away. As did Sirius. It appears they've switched residences" Regulus sneered into his cards, and Hermione shook her head from behind the boy, meaning take no notice of his attitude.

"Mother's recruiting me. I don't even know if I'll make it to Seventh Year" Rosier sighed after a while, taking a fudge fly.

"Same" Avery nodded, tightening his pinky around Evan's.

Regulus grunted. "At least we can do it together. I won't be stuck with Severus and his boring potions stories"

Hermione beamed. At least her friends had each other. At least they weren't facing the Dark Lord alone. "We'll be alright, won't we?"

"No one's alright in the midst of war, Nita." Regulus foreshadowed, their card game long forgotten.

Hermione ignored him and reiterated what she said. "We'll be alright. We have to be"

The group were packing up from potions, the lesson being about the preparation for their brewing of amortentia, when Slughorn called them. They walked up to the desk, and he chuckled.

"Mr Avery, Mr Black and Miss Potter. Some of my best students! I have a preposition for you three. Join my Slugclub"

"Slugclub, Professor?" Avery asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Just a collection of my best students. We have a dinner, and I introduce you to contacts you can use to get jobs out of school" Slughorn explained. "It's just a bit of fun really"

Just a bit of showing off, Hermione scoffed internally, but instead she smiled "Of course we'll attend, Professor. We look forward to it" 

On their way out, Regulus elbowed her sharply. "Why would you agree to that?"

Avery and Hermione looked at him incredulously. "It's an opportunity to dress up!"

He rolled his eyes "Why am I friends with you two? You know, I could've hung out with Rosier's gang. Merlin, why didn't I hang out with them. I'll curse my first year self"

Avery pushed him good naturedly "Shove off Black. You love us"

"... I do"

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