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Molly Weasley shook Lyra awake.

She'd been sleeping in Ginny's room with her any time she slept over at the Burrow ever since last Christmas. They'd been having a Christmas party, everyone invited. The Potters, The Tonks, all of the kids friends plus some of Arthur's work mates. It was pretty much an Order reunion with the youngers there. Anyway, Charlie and Lyra had been talking in the kitchen when Fred and George placed enchanted mistletoe over them. As soon as it caught the pair in it's bubble, the twins raced off into the garden.

It had been decorated with fairy lights and the tables were all pulled out to border the garden, making room for dancing in the middle. Everyone was out there. Harry was twirling Hermione around, Ron dancing by himself beside them. Ginny was on Bill's shoulders and Percy was sitting talking to Ted, who looked like he was desperately trying to leave the conversation.

"Quick! There's a fire in the kitchen!" George had shouted.

"A burning fire of love" Fred added, grinning madly.

A quick survey of the room told them all who was missing. It was a race to the kitchen, everyone pushing and shoving to get there first. Tonks did, her eyes widened as the rest of the house stampeded in.

Lyra remembered the look on Charlie's face. He looked furious with his little brothers, his face red.

"Go on then" Sirius said, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

Tonks was still shocked and she passed a galleon to Bill who pocketed it smugly and high fived the twins. Andromeda looked quite unimpressed, but Ted was laughing behind his hand. All the kids were watching the drama unfold with rapt interest, but Mrs Weasley was the most focused.

"We don't need an audience" Lyra had said with a raised eyebrow, looking at her uncle.

Tonks seemed to snap out of it and stood, herding the all out. James and Lily were saying something to the twins about their own mistletoe mishap.

When they were finally alone, Lyra looked up at Charlie (who even though was quite small had a few inches on her) and tilted his chin away from where he was glaring at the door and down at her. His expression softened and she put her arms around his neck.

"Revenge tonight or tomorrow?" she asked quietly, looking into his eyes. They were such a light brown they almost mirrored his hair.

Charlie's eyes flicked down to her lips and back up again. "Tomorrow"

He leant forward and closed the space, his lips touching hers. It was hesitant, and when he pulled back she pushed down on his neck and weaved her fingers through his hair. They didn't return to the party that night and now Lyra was rooming with Ginny.

"Come on then, Star, breakfast's on the table"

She stood and stretched, plaid pyjama bottoms loose on her hips and one of Sirius's old band shirts tied at the back. Ginny had already gone down and Molly had left so she crept across the landing to Charlie and Bill's room. No one was there either, but Ron nearly bumped into her.

"Alright, Star? Bill's gone to work. I think Percy too" he said, falling into step with her as she walked down the stairs. "Just me, Gin, the twins and Charlie. Harry went home"

Lyra nodded. Seeing as Lyra and Harry were both at the Burrow often, they crossed over. Harry usually kept away from her though, awkward hellos said when they were on their own.

The kitchen smelled of bacon frying and she slid into her usual seat in between Charlie and Ginny.

"How are my favourite Weasley's?" she asked, grabbing a plate and a fork.

"You're only saying that because Bill isn't here" Ginny scoffed, buttering her toast.

She winked and leant her head on Charlie's shoulder, humming along to the radio. His arm came lazily round to her waist and Ron made a retching sound.

Ginny rolled her eyes "Like you wouldn't give your right arm for that to be you and Mione"

"Like you wouldn't give yours for Harry!"

Charlie chuckled and stood up, taking his plate over to the sink and letting his siblings squabble. He beckoned her over.

"What're you doing next week?" he asked quietly, his tone laced with an anxious undertone.

Lyra thought for a moment. "I'm staying with Uncle Sirius and Remus. Going out with Tonks on Wednesday, taking Draco to a Quidditch game on Thursday and then I'm free. Why? Planning a date?"

She knocked him with her hip but he still seemed dazed. "No. I just need you here on Sunday"

"How come? Wait, Muriel ain't coming round is she? Because I might have to pass"

Charlie shook his head "I got accepted, Star. I'm going to Romania on Monday"

Her head hung "How long?"

"A year."

He opened his soapy arms and she tucked herself into them. Tears soaked into his shirt, the same shirt she would smell in amortentia. "I'll be there" she said.


The party was in full swing when she got there, people dancing and shouting and singing happily. Charlie seemed to be the only one down.

Lyra snaked an arm around his neck. "How are you?"

He shook his head "I don't want to leave everyone"

"You're acting like I won't write you every day" Lyra scoffed. "You'll be sick of all the notes"

Charlie looked down at her, his eyes burning. "They'll be the only things keeping me there"

The music blared loudly behind them and Mr Weasley had dragged the Muggle karaoke machine he'd found outside. Ginny clambered up onto the little stage they had set up and pressed the button until Dancing Queen came on.

"You're also acting like you haven't been obsessed over dragons since before I met you. It's your dream to be in Romania" Lyra pushed, cupping her hands around his cheeks.

"There are other programmes here. Where everyone I love lives"

"Charlie! Come on" Ginny called from the stage, waving him over. He pushed back his longer hair and let go of Lyra, walking over to his family.

Lyra sat beside Percy, the only one not singing or at least wiggling his shoulders like Ron was to get out of being forced into anything more.

"Not feeling it tonight, Perce?" She asked, leaning on him. Even though she was closer with the others, her and Percy actually got on well enough.

Percy shook his head "I'm not one for dancing"

Lyra stood and pulled him up with his hands. "I know that's a lie" she said, swaying him from side to side "remember when I was crying that time. I don't even remember why, but you danced ridiculously with me to cheer me up"

He had looked disgruntled before, but now his cheeks were slightly pink. "Of course"

"So dance ridiculously to cheer Charlie up"

Percy looked over at his family and sighed. "Only if you join me"

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