Chapter 33

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Hermione and Persephone sat in the Slytherin Common Room, Persephone stroking Hermione's hair as she ranted.

The Hufflepuff was rethinking her plans, wondering if it truly was a good idea. The wall she'd created spoke for itself. Was it really worth the arguments, or should she wait it out? The pair never stayed angry at eachother for long...

Just as Hermione started to quiet down, the portrait hole swung open.

"Alright Seph?" The subject of the conversation asked nervously.

"Yes. I'll leave you two" Persephone replied shortly, standing up and brushing the crumbs from the tart they'd shared off of her skirt.

As she left, she sent Hermione a thumbs up.

The pair sat in awkward silence for a moment, before Regulus twiddled his thumbs and muttered "I'm sorry"

"For?" Hermione prompted.

"For ignoring you because I couldn't come to terms with..."


He raised a brow "Are you just going to keep asking one word questions?"

She didn't answer.

Sighing, he continued "With my 'feelings' as Rosier would say"

Now it was her turn to raise an eyebrow at her friend's words. Regulus smiled slightly, as he began to feel excitement that wasn't his over turn his nerves "What feelings?"

"I smelt you"

Hermione's fave scrunched up as she pulled away. "You what"

"In the Amortentia! In the Amortentia" he corrected himself, his pale cheeks lighting up.

She paused, studying him. Not being able to tell if he was taking the mick, she let the silence drag on. His cheeks continued to flame, and as his hand went to reach up to his hair she realised with a start. He wasn't joking.

Hesitantly, Hermione took his hand away from his head and placed it on the chair. "Same"

He looked up at her, a flurry of mixed emotions flooding through him. "What do you want to do? I'll do anything you feel comfortable with Nita, promise."

Hermione thought back to a conversation with Persephone she'd had one night in the library. They'd spoken about relationships, and what they'd want from one. While they wanted completely different things, they both agreed that pace and timing made everything.

"I want things to go slowly. Naturally. Unforced" she said eventually.

"Brilliant" he responded. "Tea?"

"Of course"

So the pair sat on the sofa, Regulus with the milkiest tea possible and Nita with a lavender brew, snuggled together like usual. They'd settled their argument in a way that they would many times in the future. Cuddles and tea.

When Avery and Rosier walked in on them sleeping on the sofa, at first they saw nothing wrong. Everything was normal. But then they remembered the cold glares Regulus had received and the cold shoulders he'd dished out. The silent, secret sobs on either side.

Avery walked over cautiously. He inspected the empty teacup and mug, the tissues on the floor and the blanket wrapped around them. He then spun on his heel and declared "they've made up!"

"No way" Rosier rolled his eyes. "And now you've woken Hermione up. Amazing, A"

Hermione yawned and pulled her head up from her place on Regulus's chest. She tied her curls up into a bun on the top of her head and stretched, poking his side repeatedly to get Regulus up too.

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