Chapter 42

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Molly Weasley had heard a lot about Hermione Potter and Regulus Black.

In the Order meetings, Sirius mentioned that his brother was a Death Eater. That he'd learnt all sorts of dark magic. That he was one of Voldemort's most trusted.

James and Lily would make scathing comments about how reckless and rebellious Hermione acted. How dangerous she was. How she sided with the Death Eaters.

However, Andromeda and Ted Tonks defended them whenever they were there until Dumbledore switched the subject, and the couple arguably knew them the best.

She didn't know what to believe.

Molly also didn't know what they looked like.

So when two strangers appeared on her doorstep, one with beautiful lavender eyes and endless curls leaning lovingly into the other, a tall man with sharp bone structure and a conflicted expression, she offered them a kind smile.

The woman offered a hand, saying "Hermione. It's a pleasure to meet you"

Then it clicked. Molly drew back, moving to shut the door in a panic when Hermione took hold of the door knob with her magick.

She handed over both their wands calmly. "We aren't here to harm you, Mrs Weasley. We want to help"

"Whatever for? I've never met you -"

"Hermione! Regulus!"

Bill came running to the door hugging them both. He tugged them into the house, leaving Molly to chase after them.

"Bill! Bill, what are you doing?" she called. "Come back here now!"

The boy stopped short and waited for Mrs. Weasley to catch up before saying. "C'mon Mum. They aren't as bad as your friends say. They helped me out at school"

"Bill. They practise Dark Magic. They're followers of He Who Must Not Be Named. I can't just have them in the house"

Hermione frowned. "Wherever did you hear that from? Reg and I have never touched Dark Magic... by our own accord"

"See Mum" Bill said with the sort of I told you so look that all twelve year olds seemed to adopt.

She looked them over before sighing.  "Fine. You're lucky your father is out with your brothers. Would you like a cup of tea? Water? I have some biscuits but the twins got in them this morning so - "

"Tea is fine, thank you Lady Weasley" Regulus said with a charming smile. It was a routine he'd been forced to get down pat, and so he was confused by Bill bursting out laughing and Molly looking rather taken aback. Hermione even stifled a giggle behind her delicate hand.

"Mum" Bill gasped "Reg called you Lady! Mums not a lady. Shes just Mum"

Molly left the mugs to flick at her sons ear "I could very well be a lady thank you very much young man. But Regulus, dear, Molly is just fine"

She set the mismatched mugs down in front of them on the kitchen table. Looking round at the clothes washing in the air and the dishes being done, Molly said rather embarrassed "I'm sure this isn't the sort of house you're used to. I'm, er, sorry for its condition. But what brings you here?"

Hermione's eyes widened and she gave Molly a kind smile. "Oh don't you worry. If I didn't have Reg, I'd be sleeping in much worse. But we came because of your condition"

Molly's back straightened, but Hermione continued on.

"Bill was being picked on by some Gryffindors. About his clothing, I believe?"

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