Chapter 54

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A little Halloween update! Thank you guys for your support, and as I'm nearing the close this book I have a question for you all. Would you be interested in a sequel??


The Muggle neighbourhood the Blacks had situated themselves in really went big for the holiday. The cottages were dressed up in green, orange and purple, pumpkins littered the doorsteps and children walked around the streets freely with pillow cases clenched tightly in their fists.

Andromeda, Ted and Tonks had come over. Lyra and Tonks opted for a joint costume, Artemis and Apollo, the twins of the sun and moon. Tonks had changed her hair to a bright yellow, and her skin a paler tone, but Lyra had to work with blue face paint and a wig. Dora had a little lyre in her hand, and Lyra a bow.

Regulus and Hermione decided to recreate their Hades and Persephone look, obviously to be a lot more adult and mature. Ted had convinced Andy to be Zeus and Hera, though she'd only agreed for the peacock feathers.

The two girls raced ahead to meet with the Muggle children. Their costumes confused the pair though. "Mummy? Why are they dressed like you?" Tonks asked with a frown.

Andromeda's eyes widened. "Just get your sweets love we'll explain later"

Tonks shrugged and rejoined the group, shuffling around to each of the houses. The delighted Trick or Treat could probably be heard miles around.

Ted wrapped an arm around Andromeda and guided her around to a bench. Regulus and Nita followed and they watched their children fill up their decorated pillowcases.

"Dora'll be up the walls all night" Andromeda sighed, her head in her hands. "Oh don't be a killjoy Andy let the kid have some fun. Remember those words when you're the one settling her down, Edward"

Regulus smirked "luckily for us, Ly doesn't really like too many sweets at once. She feels sick"

Ted rolled his eyes "she's besotted with you Reg. She acts like you literally hold the world in your hands"

Hermione scoffed "he sure thinks he does"

They sat in silence for a moment, the wind swirling around them.

"Lily sent me a photo of Harry" Hermione said quietly, her voice carrying through the cold air. "He had these little stag antlers on and a brown babygro. There was a group photo too but I cut Pettigrew out"

No one answered so she continued.

"He's my favourite Potter"

Halloween had passed.

Lyra was staying at the Tonks's house as well as Charlie Weasley while Regulus went out with Sirius for drinks.

That left Hermione to attend the newest Death Eater meeting. She'd prepared her report with Thorfinn, the Muggle holding centre almost full. It wouldn't be long before it was full and they could make their demands to the Ministry.

She wrapped her fur cloak tighter around her as she approached the Malfoy Manor gates. But then she heard a scuffle. A rustle of leaves. Hermione stepped into the shadows.

A small rat scurried into the moonlight, and transformed before her eyes into no one else but Peter Pettigrew.

"I always knew you were a rat" she said, amusement dancing among her words.

The pitiful man looked around, practically trembling. "Who's out there?"

Hermione stepped out, the light giving her a spookier effect. She smirked as he cowered. It delighted her to know the older boy was still terrified of her, but she was wondering. How did he find out their lair? The Malfoys were the least likely of the lot to host such an event. They liked to publicly disassociate themselves with the cause just so if anything happened, they could blame blackmail or the imperius curse.

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