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I was so confused with what Leo just said. "Leo I am sorry. I just don't like you like that. I see you more as a brother. I am so sorry." I said.

"It's ok I get it." Leo said. I could practically hear his heart breaking.


"Hey but are we still cool?" I asked him. Leo nodded his head and gave me a sad smile, I knew we were cool but I still had a feeling that he might be angry at me.

Leo and I walked into the lunch room together. We got our lunch and sat next to Becky. We ate our lunch in an awkward silence. I promise you that the tension was so thick that you could cut it with a knife.


After lunch all three of us walked into the biology lab.

"Ok students, listen up." The teacher called, "We will be dissecting frogs today." No.  I hate frogs. If there is anything I hate, it is frogs.

"We will be dissecting this frog." The teacher said while lifting a sheet over a tank and there sat the horrific monster. Just looking at it makes me want to throw up. "Ok guys pair up into two's. Make it guy and girl." The teacher clapped his hands and walked to his desk.

"Can I be your partner, Amber?" a voice from behind me said. I turned around yet so swiftly. Yeah, no. I turned around and nearly killed myself by tripping over my feet.

"Sorry about that , Ryan." I apologized, "Sure you can be my partner." I said without hesitation. I could feel Leo burning holes onto the back of my head.

"Okay." he said with a hole-hearted smile.

We all got into our projects when a boy named Marcus 'accidentally' hit the frog tank and 'accidentally' let it run lose. As soon as the glass broke I was on top of  the counter.

Ryan let out a chuckle "I'll save you my princess." he said still laughing.

"My hero." I said with sarcasm clear in my voice. Ryan went to catch the frog and to my surprise he had the green disgusting creature in his hands. He took it and found a bowl and put it in it. He then filled the bowl quarter way with water. He gave it to the teacher.

It's not a fish dumbass.

He is doing a great job proving to me that he likes me.

Damn. Excuse my French.


I was in the car with Dylan riding home.

"Hey what's with you and Ryan?" he asked.

"Dylan, really I don't know. First he says I like him then he says he likes me, I just-"

"He likes you!" Dylan cut me off. Rude much?

"Yes he told me he does and I told him to prove it and he is." I said like it wasn't a big deal.

"Okay I am so not happy. I told him to stay away from you and this is what he does he has a lot of explaining to-"

"He hasn't done anything to me. Please don't do anything to him" I cut him off.

"Okay but if he does, you promise to tell me?" he asked.


Later that night I had my self-thinking about Ryan, how his hazel brown eyes twinkle. That night I fell asleep thinking about Ryan.


I woke up to the sound of a message coming through to my phone. I groaned as the sunlight beamed into my room. The message was from Ryan. How did he get my number?

Hey Amber, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to hang out today?


I mentally squealed and replied instantly.

I would love to. How about if you come over to my house and watch a movie?

He replied seconds later.

Yes of course. Is 1 good for you?

I checked the time to find out that it was 10. Good.

Fine by me.

I got up and sprinted like Usain Bolt towards the bathroom only to fall down on the way, but I got up like a winner would always do. I took the fastest shower, brushed my hair and teeth and went to get dressed into some sweat shorts and a hoodie. I went down for breakfast.

"Good morning mom." I said to my mother.

"Good morning dear." she replied.

"Do you mind if a friend comes over for a movie?" I asked.

"No I don't mind", I smiled, "Oh sweetie, I have a business trip coming up. I will be going to London for two weeks." she said "I will leave money on the counter for you and Dylan. Use it only for emergencies ok?"

"Ok mom." I said. I was used to all of this traveling. It didn't faze me anymore.


Mom left an hour ago. Dylan went to meet up with his friends, I was alone at home. But not for long.

Ryan pulled into my driveway. I rushed for the door. I had set up some drinks, popcorn and a variety of movies.

"Hi." he said.

"Hi." I breathed out.

We were watching The  Conjuring when a scary part came on and I buried my head into my knees. I felt a warm hand on mine. I looked up and saw Ryan staring at me. Next thing I know I was staring at Ryan's pink lips. He starts leaning in and I do the same. Our lips connect and it feels like fireworks are exploding around us.


Before I realize it, I am falling for Ryan stiles, and I am falling hard. Now it's hard to up again.

You're just looking for a way to forget about him.


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