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I put my back against the wall and slid down. After I saw her, I don't think I can forget the sight. I put my knees to my face and released a breath I didn't know I was holding. I slowly got up and walked towards the stairs. Before I was able to make my way down one step, a room door opened. I turned around  and saw Amber- fully dressed.

"Hey Ethan!" she said closing the door and trying to carry her phone, bag, a hair brush and some other unnecessary items. "Where are you going?" she asked giving me a weird look.

"I'm going home."

"Why? I mean weren't you taking me out?"

I was confused. After what happened she still wanted to go out with me. "You still want to go out even with... what just happened...?" I trailed off.

"Yes of course. We are friends. Plus, how is it any different from a bikini?" She asked.

"No I don't want anything to change. It's just that... I've never seen... you know."

"No. Freaking. Way."  she replied shocked.

"Yeah." I replied. Embarrassed.

She then started laughing. Really loud I should mention.

"Ok ok, let's not mention this again." I told her, my blush spreading to the tips of my ears.

"Ok." she changed the subject quickly. Now we have nothing to worry about, no awkwardness.


We went and found somewhere to eat. After we had eaten I took her to the park.

"Ethan! There's a swing!" she shouted.

"I know. They have them in every kids park." I stated a matter of fact. She rolled her eyes and ran up to it. She sat on it.

"Push me." she whined. I did so.

Later on that day Amber suggested that we should go to a nearest friends party. I thought that it was a horrible idea but she wouldn't stop complaining until I said yes. I sent a text to one of my friends asking where the nearest party was at. They gave me the address and I drove there.

When I parked the car, we got out and made our way into the mansion. We didn't need to change because I was wearing black jeans with a black muscle tee and black converse and I was comfortable in that. Amber wore black ripped jeans and a Kings of Leon tee with her white converse.

We walked into the building and it was stuffy and the music was blasting out the speakers. "Ethan lets go get drinks." Amber shouted so I could hear her over the music.

"You go get some! I'm your designated driver. I need to take you home. So I won't-" she didn't even let me finish my sentence and she was off.


A few drinks later Amber was definitely drunk. She danced with so many people I lost count. I just sat there far away from the 'dance hall' waiting for her to pass out so I could take her home. You may think that I'm a bad best friend for leaving her there but honestly, I'm not. I'm just trying to be safe.

"Ethan! Come join us!" Amber yelled. I shook my head. "Come on don't be a party pooper." I tried to refuse but she grabbed my arm and yanked me out of my seat. She pulled me onto the dance floor and took my hands, forcefully wrapped them around her waist and then she wrapped hers around my neck. We were slowly dancing to the beat of the music.

"Amber I don't-" I began.

"Shhhh." she put a finger to my lips. "Don't speak."

"Ok." I said not wanting to get on her bad side. Although I doubt she has one.

"I need to tell you something." she whispered into my ear. I shivered but nonetheless, nodded.

"Promise me that you won't tell anyone." she stuck out her pinky and I attached mine to it. "Ok...I have this huge teddy bear collection. I mean it's huge."she said putting her head onto my shoulder.

I just laughed at her. "That's not really a secret. I've seen it already."

"I know, I was just scared to tell you my real secret." she said I nodded for her to continue. "Ok here goes." she giggled. "I like you like a lot." she stumbled and almost fell but I caught her.

"I like you too." I chuckled. "We're friends, of course I like you."

"No. I like you like you. The type of like that could possibly lead to love-" hiccup. "I even have naught dreams about you-"

"Your just intoxicated you don't know what you are saying. Let's take you home." I cut her off. I tried walking her out the door but she refused and stood still.

"If I didn't know what I was saying would I do this?" she re-wrapped her hands around my shoulders and placed her lips onto mine. I didn't move but seconds later my eyes shut and involuntarily my arms wrapped around her waist. She deepens the kiss. Now realizing what was happening I opened my eyes and pushed Amber off of me.

"Amber, I'm sorry." I said shaking my head. " I didn't mean to...um... I don't know, I thought you had a thing with Ryan?"

"It's fine." she said sadly. "If I had a thing with Ryan would I be confessing to you?" She scoffed. "I'm glad I embarrassed myself." she said with regret in her voice.

" I'm sorry... I mean like we are best friends and you caught me off guard you know." I apologized.

"Yeah just best friends." she whispered. I heard it but I don't think I was supposed to, so I pretended that I didn't.

I drove Amber home. When we arrived Amber got out of the car without another word, she slammed the car door and stumbled across her drive way. She tripped on something and rolled in the grass. She made an incoherent sound, got up and tried not to trip again and slammed her front door closed.


But thank you guys so much for 3.84K I love you guys and thank you soo much.

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