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When I saw them my heart sunk like the titanic. It was Ryan and the school's harlot, Ashley. She is practically like your stereotypical cheerleader, wore short and tight clothes. She never left anything for the imagination. She was and always will be a tramp.

She was pressed against the wall with Ryan, they were having and intense make out session. I know I am not his girlfriend or anything. It's just the fact that he led me on and he knew that. That's not the worst part yet. He was kissing back.

I cleared my throat trying hard not to cry. They ripped their lips away from each other to see who was there.

"Amber... it's not what it looks like." he tried to explain himself. He dropped Ashley down from his lap.

"Then what does it look like it, doesn't seem like you were examining her mouth with your tongue does it?" I asked on the verge of crying.

"You're right." he stated, smoothening his shirt. "I just didn't want this to happen."

"Well too late, it already did." said and walked away. I think I might know where he was all day. He must have skipped school and come back just to make out with that harlot.

I walked home because Dylan said he was meeting up with some friends and blah blah blah.

As I walked I tried so hard not to cry. This was the second time this was happening to me. However, this time I wasn't dating him. It hurt. He told me he liked me. He told me that he would prove his point of him liking me. If this was how he planned to show me that he liked me, then I didn't know what to think anymore.

Dylan was a waste of time. I shouldn't be crying over him. I won't cry over him.

When I got home I saw mother in the living room.

"Hey ma." I said.

"Hi Amber, how was school?"she asked completely oblivious from all of my feelings. That's my mother for you.

"It was fine, I'm just going to do some homework then probably head off to sleep." I answered trying to avoid the questions that will soon follow.

"Ok don't stay up too late." she said and kissed my cheek.

I finished all of my homework and went to sleep. Only I couldn't.


I woke up feeling like crap. I got absolutely no sleep last night. All I was thinking about was about the whole 'incident'. I got up and crawled into to the bathroom to take a shower.

When I was done I got dressed into some yoga pants and an oversized hoodie. I didn't feel like dressing up today.

As we pulled up into our schools parking lot, I got all my stuff and jumped out of the car and made my way to my locker then straight to my first class.

I wasn't paying attention to my teacher , Miss Aviola, as she spoke. I heard she has had over 5 husbands and they each divorced her because she was clingy and annoying.

"Miss Clark, are you listening?" she asked.

"Yes I am." I said.

"Ok what did I say?"

"Why are you asking me?"

"I said what did I say?" she repeated.

"You don't even know what you said, how would I know?" I rolled my eyes having a few chuckles and giggles from the class.

"Don't play that game with me." she warned.

"What game?" I asked. She didn't reply she just gave me a cold glare.

"Your attitude is rotten."

"And so are your teeth but you don't hear me complaining." I answered.

"Excuse me?!" she shouted.

"You're excused." I sneered.

"Don't talk to me like that. At least I look in the mirror before I leave the house." she glared at me.

"At least I don't put on make up to seduce innocent men." I muttered but unfortunately she heard me.

"I do not put that much makeup on my face." she said flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"Maybe if you ate some of that makeup, you could be pretty on the inside." I suggested.

"Keep quiet or I'll make you leave my class." she warned.

"Too late." I said, I packed up and left. "Shove it." I muttered passing her.

When I was walking down the hallway I spotted Ryan I caught a glimpse of how he looked.

He wore the same expressing as I was weraing. Except I was not dying on the inside. He on the other hand looked like death. I turned around ready to walk fast but he saw me.

"Amber!" he shouted. "I wanted to talk to you. Please." He cried out.

I spun on my heal. "What Ryan haven't you said enough? You hurt me. Don't think I will just forgive you like that. I will not." I said.

"I just wanted to tell you that I am sorry. Ok. I know you are you are not going to forgive me. Just hear me out. I didn't mean to hurt you. She came up onto me and forced me to kiss her or she would tell you that I pulled her into the classroom." he said.

"You think I believe you. For all know you might be lying. You know how cunning she is, she could have put you up to this."

"Trust me I am not." he said.

"How can I trust after all you have done! You can't expect me to trust you. I am not angry at you I am just disappointed",

"You know what." He said getting angry. "If you won't even hear me out, then there's no point of me dealing with your bullshit."

I slapped him hard. "How dare you."I said and walked away.


Thank you guys all for 1.02k reads!!!!!

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