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The bell went off. I ran out of class so I could get a seat for Ethan and I. I got into the cafeteria and saw the perfect seat for us. I put my bag and books on the table and went to get food. I was hungry; I skipped breakfast because I was running late.

I got my food and began to eat while I was waiting for Ethan. He came and we began to chat.

"Hello, mind if I sit?" A voice asked. I looked up and saw that it was from Ryan.

"Yeah, you can sit down." I replied.


Amber is my best friend; I still don't know why she is still hanging out with that jerk that broke her heart. He is going to do it again eventually. Why can't she see that? She is a wonderful girl and doesn't deserve to be treated that way.

When I entered the cafeteria, I saw Amber eating. She saved a seat for me next to her as usual. I grinned. I got my food and went to seat next to her. We started our normal daily conversation.

We were rudely interrupted by someone asking if they could sit with us. There are many other empty seats they could have taken but no, they wanted this one. When I looked up it was Ryan himself. I was about to answer and say no but Amber beat me to it and said yes. I rammed my foot onto hers, she glared at me in return. I sighed and scooted for him to sit.

Amber and Ryan stared to talk and laugh. I didn't speak, I just ate. Until Amber noticed something was wrong. "Hey, Ethan are you ok?"

"Yeah, everything is just peachy." I replied, with a roll of my eyes. I got up from my seat ignoring Amber yelling out my name. I threw away my trash and walked out of the cafeteria.


I have no idea what was wrong with Ethan all of a sudden. He was happy a few minutes ago. I told Ryan I had to leave. I got out of my seat, grabbed my bag and books. I ran out and tried to find Ethan.

When I saw him I called out his name multiple times but he just kept on walking. I ran up to him and turned him around by his shoulder. "Ethan, what's going on with you?" I asked as soon as I saw his expression.

"Amber, like I told you before, nothing is wrong with me. Now, why don't you go and hang out with your so called boyfriend." he replied coldly and tried to turn away, but I stopped him by holding onto his shoulders.

"Is that was has your knickers in a twist? Because I allowed him to sit with us? Grow up."

"You spend most of your time with him, and if we are spending time alone you always bring his name up or he comes over. When he comes over to where we are, you usually forget I'm there." he walked over to a nearby bench and I followed. "It just annoys me that you just forget about me like that. Do I turn invisible whenever his around?" he breathed out. 

"I am so sorry I make you feel like that. I didn't know I did that to you. I promise I'll make it up to you, I don't know how but I will." I said. I gave him a big hug and rubbed his back.


Dylan was coming home today, which was one day early from when he should have arrived, and mom was coming home tomorrow. I was excited to see Dylan after the long road trip he took. He was coming home a few hours after school, so as soon as I left school I went to the mall and bought some of his favorite movies and popcorn.

When I came home I set up everything, changed into a pair of shorts with coffee mugs on them and a coffee is my lover shirt waited for him to come home.

When I heard a car pull up in our drive way, I jumped off the couch and opened the door. He got his bags out of the boot of the car and said bye to his buddies, he doesn't like it when I call them his friends, he ran up to me and gave me a long hug. I didn't notice how much I missed him until now.

I helped him put his bags upstairs and left so he can change. He came downstairs. He had changed into a pair of plaid pajama pants and a plain black shirt he walked over to where I was sitting and sat down next to me. We started our movie marathon and began to eat the popcorn.


I was woken up by birds chirping and the bright sunlight  on my face. I slowly got up from the ground and tried to walk to the kitchen, but I tripped over the blanket and landed on a body. "Ow. Amber get your fat ass off me." Dylan said trying to push me off.

"Ok I'm getting off." I got up and went into the kitchen. I grabbed a glass and filled it with water and walked over to the couch where my phone was. I put the glass on the stool and sat down. I put my phone on and saw a message from Ethan.

Remember yesterday when you said you would make it up to me? Well I have an idea.

I quickly replied

What idea?!

We can go to the movies and watch a new movie that just came out. Movie is on me but food is on you. Deal?

Deal. What time will you pick me up?

Good. Around 12?


I checked the time and it read 10:45. So I still had some time left. I told Dylan that I was going out later. He just said ok. I went to my room and looked for an outfit to wear. It took a long time but I finally found an outfit. I decided to wear ripped jeans. I took a shower and washed my hair.

When I was done I dried my body with a towel and blow dried my hair. I was putting on my bra when someone opened the door.


I had asked Amber to the movies. I felt good that I could spend a whole day with her and without her mentioning his name. Do I think of this as a date? Maybe. We are friends and I want to keep it that way. For now anyway. I drove over to her house. I switched off the engine of my car. I was about to step out of my car when I saw another one park across mine.

I got out and the other person did the same. I saw her face and it was the face of Amber and Dylan's mother. "Hello Ethan", she said coming up to me giving me a hug.

"Hello Mrs. Clark", I replied hugging her back.

"Are you looking for Dylan? He is probably in his room."she asked.

"No Mrs. Clark, I am actually looking for Amber. I am supposed to take her out to the movies today. If it's ok with you of course."

"Oh ok. It's ok with me. Have fun", she said. Pulling out suitcases out of her trunk. "She is usually still sleeping by this time. Go to her room and check on her for me." She said slamming her trunk closed.

"Let me help you." I grabbed as much as I was able to and she held the rest. We walked into the house silently.

"Thank you." She called out as soon as I put her bags down.

I went upstairs and opened the door to her room. I heard her scream and I quickly closed the door.

I just saw her in nothing but her underwear.

Someone help me.


Thank you all for reading my book. It means so much to me. Thank you again for 3.44k reads.

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