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Ethan and I walked into school together. If you're wondering why, it's because he decided to pick me up to school. What a gentleman. We made our ways to our lockers and waved goodbye and walked into separate classes.

I walked into my first class. The teacher walked in after me and started teaching. I didn't pay attention to what he was saying; I was busy day dreaming about tomorrow. The pool party. I have to go shopping tomorrow for a swimsuit. I noted.

After class Ethan and I decided to meet up in the cafeteria. I headed to the cafeteria and lined up for food. The line wasn't that long. I finally got my lunch and looked for a seat.

Ethan later on came in and sat down with me. We had our normal conversations which consisted of weird teenage drama and gossip created by idlers. We were still talking when I felt a presence. I look up and saw her.

"Hey Ethan. Come and sit with us." She flipper her hair and batted her eyelashes.

"No thank you. I'm good." He replied sweetly.

"Why are you sitting with her?" she glared at me while she spoke.

"She is my best friend and the only real friend I have here." He replied.

"Oh come on you must be joking. Friends with her." she scoffed and began to laugh. "So Ethan are you going to take the offer or not?" she asked impatiently.

"Or not. I'm going to sit here. I like her company." he leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes.

"Are you sure you know-"

She was cut off by me speaking. "Becky, Ethan said he doesn't want to sit with you so can you shoo?"

"Hey the rat can speak after all. I'm not leaving." she said. "Ethan you coming?"

"Didn't you hear me the first time? Piss off." he said sternly. She looked shocked.

"Becky why don't you just go." I said with a smirk. She got angry and took the spaghetti I was eating and dumped it on my hair. "That's it." I got up and tackled her to the ground. I punched her face. She tried to get away by crawling, but I pulled her hair.

She turned around and slapped me. It was going to take more than a slap for me to tap out. Unfortunately, a supervisor had to break us apart. I opened my eyes and saw that she had a broken nose and blood spots on her face. She only got some scratches on me so I probably looked better.

Don't start what you can't finish.

I was dragged into the principal's office. "Look at what you guys have done to yourselves." The principal, Mrs. Benjamin said.

"I didn't start it." Becky said.

"I don't care about anything you say." she said "Amber were there any witnesses?" she asked me.

"Yes there was Ethan Bradly." I said.

"Ok then, we will call him." she said. The principal went and called Ethan into her office with us. She asked Ethan some questions and he answered truthfully.

"Ethan so what exactly happened?" the principal asked.

"Well, Rebeca came up to us. She asked me if I wanted to sit with her. I had turned down her offer. She then started to bicker with Amber. She insulted Amber. Rebeca picked up spaghetti and dumped it on Amber. Amber got up and jumped on Rebeca as an act of self defense. That's all." he finished and locked his hands together.

Becky scoffed in her seat.

The principal suspended Becky for a week, detention everyday for 3 weeks and to clean the cafeteria after all the damage we caused. I got off with 2 days of detention. After all I didn't start the fight.

After we left I headed off to the bathroom to clean up. I picked out all the food and other items in my hair then I rinsed it and went to the hand dryer and dried my hair. I then cleaned up the stains from my pants and top, well tried.

After I was done, I only had one more class till school was over. I quickly tied my hair into a bun and ran to my last class.


I opened my eyes. The sunlight bathed my skin as I lay on my side. I tried closing my eyes. What had happened yesterday was something I didn't want to deal with today. Thoughts bit at my brain, forbidding me to go back to sleep. I decided to get up and go for some coffee.

I put in more coffee into the coffee machine and got out a coffee mug. I put my cup under the coffee machine. The coffee came pouring out of the machine into my mug. The sweet aroma of coffee taking over my senses. The bitter, yet invitingly warm smell filled the atmosphere, making my taste buds ache for the creamy, smooth coffee I longed for. I brought the cup to my lips. It tasted like heaven. Like always.

I got dressed and went to the mall for my swimsuit. I thought about buying a one-piece,  I decided against it I wanted to show off my body. So I'd buy a bikini. I thought to myself. I entered the nearest shop and bought an amazing bikini. It had white, orange and pink stripes on the bottom and top.

I paid for my swimsuit and drove home in my mom's car. I got home and got dressed into my swimsuit. I wore a baggy t-shirt, light washed denim shorts and flip flops. I put on some waterproof mascara and some pink lipstick. I grabbed my towel, bag and car keys.

I made my way into Ethan's driveway. What I saw was impressive, not that he is unpopular or anything but, there were over 30 cars parked and over 50 people there.

Approaching his house, the base of the song playing could be felt from the asphalt, though your feet all the way to the rest of your body. His house was huge. It had three sections and had three floors. It was cream and had brown detailing. I got out and went to look for Ethan.

Entering the house, you could tell that Ethan had planned this party properly. The furniture was moved out of the rooms and was made into a dance floor. Some people were drinking others grabbed onto others as they 'danced'.

The whole interior was breathtaking. Strobe lights were thrown across the room and created a club vibe. Drinks were being served and mini snacks were passed around. Walking outside made my jaw drop. He had a huge back yard so the rest of the teenagers were outside swimming, dancing or sunbathing.

"Care for a drink beautiful." A young boy asked me. He looked a few years older than me. He had brown hair and olive green eyes.

"No thanks. Well... I'll have a juice." I requested. He handed me the juice and I took it. I sipped it and continued searching for Ethan.

I gave up looking for him and decided to go for a swim. I left all my belongings on a nearby chair and jumped into the cold, freezing water. We swam danced and much more.

Eventually I got tired of swimming, so I got out. I walked to the bartender and asked for some water.

"No water for you." He shook his pointer finger at me. "How about a blue lagoon?" he asked.

I had no idea what that was, but it's all part of the high school experience. Right?

"Ok but just one."I said.


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