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After that Colton left. I almost felt sorry for him. I said almost. I had sat down and continued watching my movie. The last thing I remember was Simba, Pumba and Timone singing 'hakuna matta' then I fell asleep.

I woke up in my room. I didn't remember what I was doing before I ended up here but I shrugged it off. I checked the time and it read 12:15. I decided to go out for some frozen yoghurt. I put on some denim shorts and a plain black tank top and made my way to the nearest café.

I entered the café and instantly I smelled pastries and cake. I smiled tugged on my lips and I made my way towards the counter. I looked at the menu and decided to ditch the frozen yoghurt and take something else instead.

"I will take strawberry lemonade with extra ice", I said. It was practically 82 degrees, I wanted something cold.

I handed the cashier the money and told her to keep the change. I decided since I had nothing else to do I could walk around.

After a long day of walking around the city, my feet were sore. As soon as I entered my cool building, I took off my shoes and leaped onto the sofa and put on the TV.

"Amber is that you?" my brother called out.

"No. I'm a burglar who happens to have the keys to this place." I rolled my eyes.

"What were you doing outside? I thought you said you were sick." he questioned.

I froze. I completely forgot. "Umm- I was going for a walk. Walks make me feel better." That's it.

"Uh-huh." he answered.  After watching  family guy, I went to my room. I surfed the web. By the time I had done that in was 9:30. I got dressed in my pajamas and headed off to bed.


I woke up feeling refreshed. I did my morning routine and went downstairs to meet my mother watching the news. I thought she went for a trip.

"You're back?" I asked surprised.

"Yep. Came back last night."

"I thought that you were going for two weeks. What happened?" I asked.

"Nothing. I finished everything I needed to do early and came back. I missed you guys." I smiled.

I gave her a kiss on her cheek and left. I had found my penny board that I had gotten for Christmas. I used it to get to school.

"Hey Amber!" Becky greeted.

"Hey Becky." I said.

We walked together into our first class. We walked into the chemistry lab and went for our lab coats. The teacher started talking. I was copying notes when a balled up piece of paper came flying to my direction and landed directly on top of my notebook. I opened it up.

Hey why weren't you in school yesterday?

I looked back trying to figure out who could have sent this to me. It was from Leo and knew it was him. I wrote back.

I was out sick

I threw it back in his direction. He opened it up and scribbled something onto the paper and three it back. I caught it and opened it up.

Sorry :(  hope you are feeling better :)

He sure does love his smiley faces. I looked at him and nodded my head. The class continued.

When class was over I went to the lunch room. The three of us sat down and ate talking about our funniest moments and such. I am so lucky to have these dorks.

I went into my next class and not surprisingly I saw Colton in the class.

"Hey Amber." he called.

"What are you doing here?" I groaned.

"Remember when I came to your house two days ago." I stared. Like I could forget that. "Well, I was coming to tell you that I was moving to this school."

Why me all the time? Why this does always happen? It's like I am cursed, every day is Friday the 13th for me.

I sighed and walked to my seat which, unfortunately, was right next to Colton.

The teacher was explaining something on the board, I wasn't paying attention. I was thinking about how I didn't see Ryan in school today. I know I'm not his mother or anything but I can't help think about where he is. Hopefully nothing bad happened to him, hopefully-

"Psssst, Amber." my thoughts where interrupted by an annoying pest.

"What." I whisper-yelled at Colton.

"I just wanted to talk to you." he said.

"I'm busy; can I ignore you another time?" I asked.

"Hardy ha-ha. Oh come on Amber, I just wanted to talk." he chuckled.

"Ok talk." I said.

"I just wanted to know if we could be friends?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.

"If I wanted to be friends with someone like you, I would buy a dog", I said and turned my attention back to the teacher.

As soon as the bell went, I got up a walked to my locker, but Becky stopped me.

"Hey Amber! Mr. David told me to tell you that, since you didn't come to school yesterday he wanted you to go to his classroom and collect the homework." she said. I nodded my head and flashed her a small smile and left.

I was walking down the hallway, thinking if I should go to Ryan's house and check on him. Or maybe I should send him a text or call him. When I approached Mr. David's class room, I saw something that I never expected.


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