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I woke up and headed for a quick shower. I was till trying to face the fact that Becky stabbed me in the back. How could she hang out with them? She of all people would help the people I hated the most. She told them who I liked so she could mess with my head. All that time I thought we were friends, she was only pretending. She probably wanted Ryan all for herself.

After I had showered, I got dressed in skinny jeans and a white muscle tee. I picked up my book bag a threw it over my shoulder. I decided to skip breakfast.

"Good morning mother." I greeted my mother.

"Good morning honey." she replied. "Won't you have anything to eat?"

"No mother. I think I'll skip breakfast." I said.

I walked to school since Dylan had the flu. I have no idea how he could have gotten it, but I had no way of going near him to get it.

When I entered the building the first person I saw was Becky.

"Hey Amber, I am sorry about what happened yesterday-" is all I heard her say because after that I tuned her out. I made my way towards my first class.


After all that learning and the teacher talking, I finally made it through half of my classes. It was lunch.
There was some sort of crowd. It was like rush hour. I decided not to go in that direction so I turned around a walked the other direction.

I walked into the cafeteria and everyone was gossiping about something. I managed to get some few words out of people's conversations. Words like "hot" "new boy" "cute" "sexy" "microscopic". I don't know where the last one came from, but swear I heard it from the nerd table.
I put all the words together and now it all made sense. 

There is a new boy and he is hot,sexy and cute.I have got to see him so I can judge for myself. That's probably why there was a crowd in the hallway. now I wish I walked in that direction.

After I had finished my lonely lunch, I walked to my next class. As clumsy as I am, I wasn't looking where I was going and I bumped into someone. When I looked up I saw the most amazing eyes I've ever seen. I felt like I was standing in front of a magician.  He hypnotized me with his gigantic watch- eyes. He had stunning blue eyes. His hair had streaks of blonde in them but he was a natural brunette.

"Oh fuck. Are you ok?" His angelic voice rang like bells in my ears.

"Um y-yes. I-I am okay." I stammered. It was just so hard to talk to him. He was like a god and I was a peasant.

"Here let me help you." he held out his hand. "By the way my name is Ethan, what's yours?"

I was still struggling with the fact that he held out his hand for me to hold. When I finally stood up I replied.
"M-my name is A-Amber." I managed to spit out.

"That's a nice name. What class do you have right now? I would like to walk you there. Even though I wouldn't know where it is. Obviously I am new here." he said chuckling. Taking his free hand and scratching the back of his neck.

"Um right now I have English Lit." I said with a sudden burst of confidence.

"I have that too." he said. "Now I do have a reason to walk you to class." he said grinning like an idiot. I just giggled at him.


After classes where over, Ethan and I walked into the hallway.

I could feel eyes burning at the back of my head. I glanced around and saw Ashley and her barbies along with Becky staring at me. I rolled my eyes and turned back to face Ethan.

"Well I should be heading home, but thank you for everything. You're  the only one who hasn't actually started screaming at me saying how 'cute' or 'hot' I am." he raked his hand through his hair. If only he could read my mind.

"Your welcome. I am glad I was able to show you around." I said proudly.

"Well ok see you tomorrow?" He asked.

"See you tomorrow." I replied. he was waking away then he came back.

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to walk home together?" He asked.

As if on cue, Colton came. He put his hand over my shoulder.

"Hey dude. I see you've met my girlfriend." he said confidently.


A Love Triangle  {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now