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Could you do a teen wolf imagine where Scott is dating y/n and they have kids and then a evil werewolf goes after them and tries to hurt there kids and y/n goes into protective mother wolf mode.

Sorry don't think this is my best work but hope you all enjoy

Me and Scott have been together for a while now. We have been though so much together more than most couples ever would.

Now we are both out of school and we have moved into our own place together. I have never been more happy.

All the supernatural drama has gone and we can enjoy our lives together and hang out with our friends.

Not long after me and Scott moved in together I became pregnant and we found out I was pregnant with twins which was a shock but me and Scott were so excited.

- A few years later -

It's been a few years and now our twins are now 3 years old, they are the cutest little children ever.

I was so happy with life I had my amazing boyfriend who I love more than anything and we have 2 little kids finally a little family.

Later few days weird things kept happening people kept getting attacked they are saying its an animal attack but iv heard that before.

I tried to not let myself get worked up and tell myself it probably is an animal thing this time.

That night after we put the twins to bed me and Scott were watching TV, I was sat on my side with my legs over his lap. I paused cause wanted to talk to him about it.

"What's up"

"You know these animal attacks, do you think they are actually animal attacks or saying that's what they are like last time"

"I'm not sure iv been thinking the same thing. I'm going to call Deaton tomorrow and see what going on"

"OK sounds like a good idea"

"And hey if it is supernatural we have been though worse that what ever it is and we get through this"

I just wrapped my arms around him and cuddled into him. Of course I am worried about Scott I know be is stronger than me stronger than most but I still worry about him but now I'm also worrying about the twins.

Scott called Deaton and it turned out I was right they were trying to cover it up calling it animal attacks.

It turns out it's a very powerful werewolf going around attacking people seems like no reason for his attacks or any reason for who he attacks.

This got me quite worried so our friends came round and we discussed what was happening which was weird I never thought we would have to do this again.

We got a plan as we think we know where he might go next as there was a big high school party so we have guess he will show there, we know who he is so we can spot him easy just need to try to find him.

We had a plan of what to do when we see him and we all pretty confident as just the one of him so should be fairly easy we hope.

Later Scott was about to leave as him and Stiles going bit early than rest of us to look around the place.

"Stay safe"

"I always am, we will be fine I promise"

"I know but I still worry"

He pulled me onto a hug

"I know" he whispered.

We pulled away

"Give them a kiss for me"

"Will do"

And he left I saw him get in Stiles Jeep and they left. I went upstairs to make sure the twins were asleep, I opened the door and I saw a figure in there room looking at them.

I didn't know who or what it was but automatically went into protective mode and my claws came out.

He then saw me and saw his face. It was him the wolf we were trying to get tonight. And so I knew he wasn't here for  a good reason.

I then just grabbed him threw him to the ground as he was taken by surprise so it was easy and was able to drag him out the room so I could get him as far away from the twins as possible.

After that he was more aware so got out my grip he then tried to start fighting but I jumped back out of the way and when he was lent in I was able to get scratches and punches in.

At one point he was by the top of the stairs but he didn't realise and so I kicked him down the stairs. And it knocked him out.

I called Scott and told him what happend and told him the kids were fine and he is knocked out now and him and Stiles were on way back.

I put my claws away and went into the kids room they were both slightly awake so I went over and slowly and quietly told them it's ok and to go to sleep and rub there backs and they feel back to sleep.

Scott came through the front door as I left their room and saw him lying at the bottom of the stairs, Stiles and Liam then walked in and dragged him out and took him away not sure where to.

"Hey are you ok"

"Yea I'm fine"

"Are the kids ok"

"Yea I just got them back to sleep"

"OK good"

And we stood there hugging for a little while.

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