Dating Scott includes

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Dating Scott includes

° Scott not wanting you to be mixed up in the supernatural world.
° Realising he can't really keep you from the supernatural world.
° He is VERY protective.
° Going to every lacrosse game.
° And supporting him on all his lacrosse games.
° Melissa loving you.
° Riding on his motorcycle.
° Riding you to school and back.
° Visiting him at work.
° Deaton loving you two together.
° Always sleeping over at his house.
° Going with Scott to give Melissa dinner when she works late.
° Being his anchor.
° Movie dates.
° Sometimes the pack interrupts.
° Which at first is annoying then starting to expect it.
° Falling asleep in his arms.
° Helping him when he bites Liam.
° Stiles teasing Scott all the time.
° Small kisses on the neck and forehead all the time.
° Making out in the jantors closet at school.
° Studying together.
° Melissa walking in on you two making out alot and teasing Scott about it.
° If you come on a mission never letting you leave his side.
° Alot of jealous sex.
° Having sex when Melissa is at work.
° Having to be quite when Melissa isnt at work.
° ALOT of make out sessions.
° Nervous to have sex as he thinks he might hurt you but he soon calm down.
° Not being able to keep your hands off eachother.
° Hidden hickeys.
° Always telling you he loves you.
° Him holding you really close every night.
° Going on cute dates when you can.

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