Corey finding out you like him

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Sorry if this is slightly wrong as I have only watched up to half of season 3

Request for @Squish98

I have had this crush on Corey for a while now but I am to scared to tell him and ruin everything and he might hate me for it.

I have only told one person about this, my sister Hayden. I trust her not to tell anyone about this as I don't trust anyone else with this.

I was sat on the bleachers with Hayden and Mason and I had to go to the toilet and left Hayden and Mason alone for a while.

When I was gone Hayden was talking to Mason and they started talking about Corey and Hayden accidentally told Mason about my crush on him.

Mason freaked out and Hayden realised what she done and tried to get Mason to forget what she said.

I came back and Mason and Hayden were whispering to eachother and when they saw me they stopped talking.

"What are you guys talking about" I said as I sat down

"Nothing" Hayden said when I sat down.

Then the bell rang and everyone went to class.

*Time skip class*

It was the end of the school day and I went to the library to study so I can concentrate better and when I got there I was the only one at the library.

I was studying for about half an hour when I heard someone coming in but I just carried on with my work.

Then Corey came and sat next to me and I got really nervous and he touches my hand

"I know you like me"

I slowly turned my head to him


"Hayden accidentally told Mason, Mason told me"

"OMG I can't believe this is happening. I know you don't like me so just forget this"

I got up to walk away when Corey pulled me back to sit on the the seat.

"I DO like you"

And we both leaned in and we started kissing and then I felt a pain in my neck and blacked out

Corey p.o.v

y/n suddenly went limp in my arms and I look up and see the dread doctors taking an needle out of her neck.

They suddenly disappear and I start freaking out I don't know what to do but then the doors bang open.

Liam, Hayden and Mason race in and come to y/n and black liquid stared oozing out if her and Hayden turned to Liam

"You need to give her the bite"

"What no I can't"

"Liam she will die please"

Then Liam gave her the bite.

Your p.o.v

I wake up and I am confused what happened. I am in my bed I get up and when to the bathroom and look in the mirror and I had yellow eyes.

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