Dating Derek includes;

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♡ Not trusting him at start.
♡ Warming up to him after realising he isnt a bad guy just had a bad past.
♡ Always defending him. 
♡ Stopping him from killing Stiles.
♡ Helping at pack meetings.
♡ Derek telling you not to come help as might get hurt.
♡ But go anyway.
♡ Always at his loft.
♡ Sleeping at his loft
♡ Him having to drop you off at school.
♡ Picking you up after school and bringing you back to the loft.
♡ Stealing his leather jacket.
♡ Training together.
♡ Training turning into make out sessions.
♡ Working out together at the loft.
♡ Watching him work out.
♡ You being his anchor.
♡ Him helping you when you get bite.
♡ Him being your anchor.
♡ Supporting you through the transition.
♡ Sex all over the loft.
♡ Both hating Peter.
♡ Always having his scent on you so other people know your his.
♡ Showing his soft side around you.
♡ Being VERY over protective.
♡ Sleeping in his clothes.
♡ Always holding you protectively at night.
♡ Having lots of little arguments but making up after 😏.
♡ Being a bad ass couple.

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