Isaac trying to stop boys from talking or looking for you

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You and Isaac have been best friends since he joined the pack, you have been very close since. As we have grown closer and I have grown to have a crush on the curly haired boy and its not hard to figure out he feels the same way but we are both to nervous to say anything. We basically act like a couple anyway most people think we are.

I was walking down the corridor of the school and I went to my locker to get my books out when Stiles came over to talk to me, that is when Isaac came over and made some excuse so i am not talking to Stiles, "Is there something you needed" I asked Isaac, he was looking round trying to think of something which i found quiet funny, "ummm I was just wondering if wanted hang out after school you know since its the end of the week and all" "of course" then the bell rang for first lesson. 

Later that day before going home i was back at my locker and I saw Aiden coming up to me, he leaned on the locker next to me and started flirting with me AGIAN. That is when I saw Isaac looking quite mad and walking over, he looked Aiden in the eye angrily and then said he needs to talk to me, " ummm we didnt really arrange what is happening when you come round to mine" he said woth a small smile I thought what a bad excuse it was but I went along with it  "so what is it you want to do" "watch a film?" "Sure" I said with a small laugh then we went back to his. 

We were back at his house well Scotts house, we were both laying on his bed watching a film, I paused the fim and turned to him took a deep breath, "can i ask you something?" "of course you can" "why do you always try stop boys talking to me" "I dont know what your talking about" I gave him a look of 'dont even try that'. "Ok ok, well when I see you with another boy I just get so jealous and never mind its stupid" "no its not" "well look (Y/N), I like you no love you, dont worry I dont expect you to say it back" he looked down at his hands. "I love you too" he looked at me so happy and pulled me to his chest then pressing his lips to mine we pulled away from eachother smiling and I then lyed back down resting my head on his chest and his arm around my waist as we watch the film smiling.

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