Dating Stiles includes;

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Dating Stiles includes
● Putting up with his sarcastic comments.
● Him getting annoyed when ANY guys look or talk to you.
● Scott being the only guy he trusts around you but still gets jealous.
● Tries to keep you out of supernatural drama.
● Always helping them out with the supernatural drama.
● His dad loving you.
● Comforting him when he misses his mum.
● Forced to watch star wars with him.
● Going to all his lacrosse games.
● Cheering him on at his game.
● Him trying to protect you from the twins then Theo.
● Trying to have study seasons that just turn into make out sessions.
● His dad catching you guys making out... alot.
● Having alot of love bites on your neck and collar bones.
● Pick you up for school and dropping you off after school.
● Helping you with school work so you will pay attention to him.
● Make out sessions in the locker room after his games.
● Make out sessions in the janitors closet.
● Being jealous of Lydia but him telling you there is nothing to worry about.
●Loving his freckles.
●Wearing his shirts alot even to school.
● Him loving when you wear his shirts.
● Alot of jealous sex.
● Him not being able to control himslef so having to be quite when having sex with his dad in the house.
● Loving it when his dad isnt home so he doesnt have to be quite.
● Being nervous when you guys first did it him constantly asking you if your ok.
● Him whispering how much he loves you and how beautiful you are when having sex.
● Sex after his lacrosse games.
● Trying to stay away from you when void started taking control.
● Asking you to stay away from him untill the pack figures out how to fix him.
● Trying to stay away but void coming to you.
● Void taking a big interest in you.
● Void keep turning up when your alone so staying at Scotts house till they figure out what to do.
● Him being scared void will hurt you.
● Sometimes being more protective over his jeep than he is you. 😂
● Being the only one he trust to use his jeep (but never lets you).
● Going everywhere in his jeep.
● Loving his jeep.
●Sex in the back of his jeep.
●VERY protective over you.

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