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"@tw_mr_imaginesx Awesome! Can it be with Liam were him and I don't really get along we have this little feud going on between us. I'm Scott's little sister and part of the pack. It so happens every time Liam looses it and can't control his Beta powers I tend to help and he calms down. Scott says i'm his anchor but I shrug it off. On a mission to stop the hunters, we get trapped at the police station and Liam starts loosing it so I try and calm him down when we have a moment and kiss, and we're both like you're my anchor. and it's all sweet.
Lol thank you! Sorry if it's long I'm big on details"


I am part of the pack and I have been for a long time I have been there with them all through alot.

I am only human like Stiles but I will always do anything I can to help, which does put me in danger alot but I don't care if it saves someone else in the pack.

The main reason I am in the pack is because I'm Scotts little sister and he didn't hide everything that was going on very well and ever since I have been helping.

The pack is more than my friends though their family, there everything I would do anything for them, I love them all so much.

But there is one person, Liam, Scotts beta, I dont know what it is, ever since we meet we havnt got along.

As Liam is still new at all of this he has a hard time keeping in controll also on top of that his anger issue dont help.

I help him alot when this happens I help his to keep his cool and to calm down, I know how to help him and learnt when he needs help sometimes before he even knows.

The reason I know how to help him is because I have been in the pack for so long I have seen so many other people go though it and seen them able to control it.

I had to help Liam out with this at my house the other day. He was in Scotts room waiting for Scott to talk about something.

I was in my room when I could heard something going on in Scotts room so I got up and went to check Scotts room.

When I saw Liam in there he was pacing all around the room talking quietly to himself, his arm going in the air every now and then.

"Liam?" He looked at me with his eyes yellow.

But I wasn't afraid I'm never afraid when I help Liam I dont know why. I sat him down on the bed me in frount of him. I put my hand on the sides of his face and looked into his eyes.

"Hey, your ok alright you've done this before you can do it agian" I grabbed his hands in mine.

"I know you can we have been through alot worse, just focus clear your mind, dont think about anything else. Its just you and me"

When he opened his eye they were back to normal and I smiled at him.

I made sure Liam was ok and then I left to go back to my room as I walked out Scotts room to go to mine Scott was coming round the corner.

He looked up at me and saw what was going on and smirked at me.

"Helping Liam? You can deny it all you want you are his anchor"

I just rolled my eyes walked past Scott and into my room. I flopped onto the bed and I started to think.

I cant be his anchor. Since the first time Scott mentioned it I did have a thought it might be true it would make sense but I would never say anything cause I might have it all wrong.

Also me and Liam we always have this thing going on between us I can't describe, isn't your anchor ment to be your true love.

~Time skip~

We were on a mission to stop the hunters I wasn't always that much help with these missions but I always try to help as much as I can.

I was paired with Liam as we had a few places that we have been told they could be me and Liam went to a certain part in the woods.

We were walking round in the dark in the woods looking for the hunters but also looking out for traps so we have to be quite and make sure not to be spotted.

We were walking for a little while not really seeing or hearing anything I wont lie i was a bit scred as we were in the middle of the woods at night so I was staying close to Liam.

After a little while we heard some rustling near us and some twigs snapping. I was getting little scared.

"Do you think its the hunters?" I whispered.

"I'm not sure"

We heard them getting closer Liam grabbed my hand and tried leading me away to try either get away or sneck up on them.

But then we saw a massive light in our face and I gripped Liams hand harder and he pushed me slightly behind him then the light lowered it was the police.

Me and Liam were the taken to the station as they thought we were up to no good. I text Scott and let him know what's going on.

We were both shut in the cell just the two of us. I was just sat down on the bench thing that was in the middle of the cell.

Liam was walking around and he started breathing quite heavily. I could see he was starting to loose it.

"Hey Liam" I said as I grabbed his hands and pulled him down to be crouched down to my level.

"Hey, hey, look at me" so I grabbed his face either side.

"Were fine, the others know were we are so they will be here soon and we will be out of here and everyone will fine, I promise" I smile at him.

Then he suddenly moved forwards towards me and suddenly I felt his lips on mine and I kissed him back straight away.

He then slightly moved away.

He looked at me "your my anchor" and I smiled at him.

"I told you you were his anchor"

I jumped in surprise and saw Scott and the others stood there.

And I just kissed Liam again.

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