Chapter Seven

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Jason's p.o.v

I needed my whole gang to meet Miley and her gang. If I was going to work with her I needed to make sure that we had an open connection, and that we understood each other. Since she had arrived everything was out of place. Something just didn't feel right. I suppose that was understandable given the situation.

With Derek alive I had a huge target on my back. Sadly, it didn't seem like it was going to subside anytime soon. There had been a bounty placed on me. Of course it wasn't to kill me. Derek would rather kill me himself, but he was out there waiting to strike.

Jeremy had lost all my trust. He told me that I had nothing to worry about. He said that he had killed Derek. He lied. Now I have a war to fight. I had to defend my territory. Jeremy is out of his mind if he thinks that we are still allies.

"Jason," Will said walking into the basement.

"What?" I snapped. I wasn't in the mood and I wasn't happy.

"When do you want to meet with Miley?" Will said walking into the room I was working in.

"I'll call Miley and set the meet for 6." I said putting the bomb I was configuring down.

"Okay, I'll tell Chase and Bear." He nodded.

"Have everyone meet here and we will leave here at 5:45." I said. He nodded and quickly left the room.

I put what I was working on away, and grabbed my phone. I dialed Miley's number.

"Jason," She said answering the phone.

"My gang and I will be at your place at 6." I said.

"See you then." She said and hung up.

I cleaned up my workshop, and left the basement to get ready for tonight. I was nervous for some odd reason that I couldn't comprehend. I knew that the most valuable person that could help me was Miley. I trusted Lewis and his judgment. Let's hope this isn't going to be a mistake.

Though, my mind was running wild I was able to relax while in the shower. Weirdly enough that always helped me to think, or not think at all. I just needed to catch my breath, and I needed to breathe without feeling my heart pulsate. Anxiety was the worst, and I have had it for too long.

I got dressed and did my hair before walking downstairs to meet the guys. Will, Bear, and Chase were coming with me tonight. My gang may seem small but I had other gangs that coordinated with me when needed.

"Looking good, boss." Will said as I walked down the stairs. I nodded at him while walking towards the front of the house.

"Ready?" I asked turning to the three of them. They each nodded in return.

"I'll drive separately." I said as we walked into the garage.

"We will follow." Chase said getting into the driver's seat of his Range Rover. Will climbed into the passenger side, and Bear got into the back. I quickly got into my car and drove off.

It wasn't that long of a drive. Miley's house was only about 15 minutes, if you drove the speed limit, away from where I lived. I guess she planned that. After a while I pulled into her drive way. Chase pulled in right behind me. I got out and walked to the porch. The guys followed a few feet behind.

"Hello," Chuck said opening the door. He had a sly smile on his face. "Come in," He said opening the door for us to walk inside. I walked inside and the guys followed.

"Hello, I am Megan." A women who looked about Miley's age greeted me as we walked inside.

"Hello sexy." Will slurred. He was the biggest player out of all of use, even bigger than me. She smiled and rolled her eyes before turning and walking away.

"Welcome. My name is Jon." A man greeted. "Come into the living room." He said gesturing us to follow him.

"Miley should be right down." Megan said sitting down on the couch. I sat down at the couch across from her. Chase sat next to me and Will sat on the other side of him. Bear stood awkwardly behind the couch with his arms crossed.

"Hey Megan what is for dinner? I'm so fucking hungry." A man asked walking into the living room.

"Oh," He said once he saw us.

"I don't know. Why don't you go cook yourself something, you pig." She spat. Will chuckled lowly at her response, yet I wasn't a fan of her at the moment. I didn't like the attitude she gave off.

"I thought they weren't coming until 6." He whispered to Chuck who was sitting on the couch next to Megan.

"It is 6." Chuck shook his head.

"My bad." He said looking at me.

"I'm Lou." He said looking at me. "You must be Chase, Will and Bear." He said pointing at each of my guys.

"Yeah," Chase nodded.

"Sorry about the wait. I had a small emergency." Miley said emerging from upstairs.

"Everything okay?" Jon asked her.

"Yeah. A client had some issues collecting." She shrugged.

"Jason," She nodded walking towards me. "Sorry to keep you waiting." She sat next to Megan and Chuck.

"Shall we get to business?" I asked.

"Yes," she nodded.

"Well, Lewis thinks that working together will help the current situation. I trust Lewis and his judgment, so here we are." I gestured to me and my guys.

"Okay," She nodded. "Let me formally introduce my team." She stood to her feet.

"This is Chuck, he is my right hand man. He is in charge of working with the products, weapons, and working closely with our clients." She said point to him.

"This is Megan, she is in charge of strategies. She also takes care of our cyber affairs." She said pointing to the rude women.

"This is Lou, he also works with the cyber affairs. He is also in charge of strategies and route planning. Very similar to Megan, and they normally work together." She said pointing to Lou.

"This is Jon, he is in charge of communications. He also helps with inventing the different weapons." She said gesturing to Jon.

"This is DJ, he is in charge of training, and working with weapons. He is the strongest out of all of us." She said pointing to DJ.

"Nice to meet you all." I said nodded at them.

I could tell just by her team that they would be strong assets. There appearances met there working titles strangely well. This was slightly awkward, but this was going to become a huge advancement in the end game.

((sorry for the wait. Things have been really rough lately. Please comment and vote. I will try to update again soon, maybe today. thanks. xxoxo))

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