Chapter Twenty-Six

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Jason's p.o.v

"Jason, we need to talk." Greggory said walking into my office.

"About?" I questioned looking up at him.

"Miley," he said lowly almost in a whisper.

"There is nothing to talk about." I said standing to my feet. My defensive side took over my body as my heart began to ache at the sound of her name.

"Jason don't do this." He sighed.

"Don't tell me what to do." I snapped glaring at him. I could feel the constraints pulling apart my heart.

"You will regret letting her leave. You will regret pushing her away." Greggory said before leaving the room.

"Boss," Bear said walking into the room after Greggory left.

"What?" I snapped at him.

"She's gone." Bear said clearing his throat.

"Good," I sighed. I continued to try and convince myself that I wanted her to leave me but I didn't.

"Some of her crew stayed behind. She said they could continue to work with you if they wanted." Bear said.

"Who all stayed?" I asked.

"Lou and DJ." He replied crossing his arms.

"Fine," I shrugged.

He quietly left the room and I sat back down in my chair. Greggory was right and I already regret making her leave but I didn't have a choice. I mean, she would have left me sooner or later anyways.

I got up and gathered a few guys to head to the club. I needed to get over her and fucking a few bitches would be better then staying here thinking about her.


Miley's p.o.v

"Do you want to talk about it?" Jon asked after almost an hour of silence.

"No," I shook my head letting out a sigh. "I'm okay, honestly." I said smiling at him.

"Okay," he nodded. He was trying to believe me and I was hoping that he would drop it.

"What did Lewis say when you called?" Chuck asked.

"Not much," I shook my head. "He needs some people on his base anyways." I cleared my throat.

"Do we have a game plan yet?" Megan asked.

"After we talk with Lewis we will." I said hopeful.

"Do you think that we will stay in Australia for a while?" Megan asked.

"Not sure," I shrugged.

At this point all I could hope for was that I stayed busy and far away from Jason. I knew that if Lewis was working with him then his name would come up from time-to-time but I could still hope that I didn't have to see him.

"Miley," Megan said shaking my arm gently.

"Yeah," I said waking up from my day dream.

"Are you sure that you are okay?" She whispered and I could see that she was really concerned for me.

"I will be," I sighed. I couldn't lie to her but I knew that I couldn't handle the conversation that she wanted to happen.

"I am not going to push you too talk to me, but I want you to know that I am here for you if you ever do want to talk." She smiled softly. I was grateful that I had her in my life.

"I know...thank you." I smiled softly.

Everyone was now asleep on the jet and I was the only one that was wide awake. I let out a soft shaky sigh and squeezed my eyes shut. I wasn't in love with him and I couldn't understand why this hurt so bad.

Last night things were fine, in fact, things were perfect. Then we woke up and everything was different. He had slipped right through my fingers and my heart ached. I was broken; I was done.

I didn't know what I expected from him and it is not like we were going to get married. I knew that from the beginning but I didn't know that things were going to shift overnight like that. Something had to have happened while he was sleeping.

Its not that I was hoping that he would call me and beg me to come back. I was done with him and I wasn't going to return to his arms again but if I had to work with him then I would be professional.


"Miley," Lewis smiled opening his arms for a hug.

"Lewis," I smiled hugging him.

"I'm glad you are here," he said pulling away.

"Me too,"

"Welcome; Jon, Megan and Chuck." He smiled greeting them. "Lou and DJ stayed with Jason, correct?"

"Yes," I nodded.

"I'm sure Jason will put them to good use." He laughed lowly.

"Come inside and make yourself at home." Lewis said walking back into the large house.

His estate was massive way bigger then the one in New York. I was happy to be here but I missed...I missed him.

I followed him inside the house and placed my things by the stairs.

"I will have Spot show you to your rooms," he said as a man appeared from a hallway.

"Miley can we talk?" He asked. I nodded and followed behind him as he walked up a different set of stairs.

He opened the door to his office and gestured me to walk inside. I did and sat down in a chair facing his desk.

"I talked some with Greggory," Lewis started as he walked to sit down at his desk. "He told me about what happened with Denver and also told me about the strange falling out you and Jason had."

"I did what you asked. I did my best trying to work with him. I might have gotten slightly to involved with him." I admitted.

"I know and I know how Jason is," Lewis said, "I don't think he would mix business with pleasure for just anyone. Jason probably was, and is, really fond of you." Lewis said.

"Maybe," I said unsure of what to even say.

"We don't have to talk about it. I just want to make sure that you are okay."

"I am—I mean, I will be."

"You guys weren't too serious, were you?"

"No, we were just fuck buddies but there were, and are, feelings." I spoke honestly.

"You chose Jason over Denver," he stated.

"Yes, I did." I let out a sigh.

"You really care about him then. I know how you felt felt about Denver."

"When I kissed Denver there was nothing there and that's when I knew that our feelings we of the past. Jason, he was a different story. I don't get involved with guys like him especially when we work together. I tried to tell myself that it was just sex, but it wasn't."

"Well," Lewis paused. "If you need anything, let me know." He smiled.

"I need work," I said.

"Alright," he stood to my feet. "I will have Spot show you to your room and then show you to the workshop where you can craft or whatever you want to do. I will talk with you again soon."

I followed him out of the office to find Spot.

My mind was racing and I just wanted—needed to clear me head. I knew being here was going to be good for me.

(Hey loves! I've been think a lot about how this story is going to end and I'm not sure you guys will be thrilled with it. The important thing to remember is that Jason's character is irrational and because of that I can't really give you a fairytale story--so no happy endings. I still have a while to go so don't stress yet! I've got a lot more drama, tension, and thrill coming soon. ALSO!! I just started a new fic! (the pic is the cover of the new story) and of course it's Jiley. if you're interested, go check it out. I have a feeling that Senseless and In the Shadows will be my last jiley stories... anyways; follow me, vote and comment! xoxo)

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