Chapter Forty-Nine

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Jason's p.o.v

I took a deep breath as the car pulled to a stop. We had arrived at the agreed location. I can't lie and say that I am not nervous because I am really nervous. Miley hasn't said anything to me since we discussed our plan with Maximus and that only worries me even more.

If I am honest, I don't know where Miley and I stand. We have children—two to be exact. How was any of that fair...we were never even allowed to have a shot at a real relationship and now we have 2 children. Not that I didn't want them, I do. I just wish that we would have been able to have a relationship.

Even now, I don't even know if we can have a relationship. I care about her, hell, I love her. But, that doesn't change anything. We broke apart for a reason. Us having a relationship...I just don't know. Right now, the only thing that I knew for sure was that I loved her and that I needed to get her and the children somewhere safe.

"Let's go," Maximus said as he adjusted his suit. Miley walked behind me and stayed silent. All of us stayed silent.

"Well, well, well." A voice erupted from in front of us. We were standing in a parking lot of an old abandoned warehouse.

"Henry Kisses," Maximus said with a chuckle. "I'm disappointed we have to meet under these circumstances." Maximus shook his head.

Fringe, Jon, Lewis and I stood behind him and the rest of the gang: Bear and Maximus' men stood behind me. Miley was standing next to Maximus.

"A shame, really." Henry shook his head.

"You must be Miley, correct?" Henry turned to look at Miley. "I'm honestly surprised that Maximus isn't your father. With your name and image in this business, you two could be easily mistaken as father and daughter." Henry smiled disgustedly at Miley.

"I'll take that as a compliment." Miley said in a sharp voice. Anger was evident in her tone.

"Woah, no need to speak to me like that." Henry shook his head.

"You came after me and took my children, I will talk to you any damn way I please." She spat through gritted teeth.

"You always did have that anger problem, I'm not surprised you and Jason hooked up and didn't work out. Two hot heads with a lot a like. I bet the personalities clashed to much, eh?" Cameron said walking out from behind Henry.

"Cameron," Miley spat.

"It's been a long time, babe." Cameron said with a smug smile.

"Not long enough," Miley said.

"Oh fuck," Lewis whispered standing next to me.

"Aw, you didn't miss me?" Cameron chuckled.

"You wish," Miley spat.

"I can see how stressed you are...I guess you haven't been getting any. What, does Jason not know how to please you? Figures, he is a faggot after all." Cameron laughed. I almost stepped forward but Fringe held me back.

"Speaking of Jason, where is he?" Henry asked. He looked around as if I wasn't there.

I moved past Fringe and Lewis and walked forward so I was standing next to Maximus.

"Ah, speak of the devil and he shall appear." Cameron spat.

"The devil, now that has a nice ring to it." I smirked looking at Henry and Cameron.

"Miley, what did you even see in this tool?" Cameron asked.

"I should be asking her the same question about you." I spat as my nostrils flared.

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