Chapter Twenty-Four

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Miley's p.o.v

"Now I can understand why you would say that Denver would be working against you." Fringe started. "He doesn't know your sister is alive, at all?" He asked.

"Nope," Jason replied.

"So he thinks that you are extreme enough to kill your own sister?" I asked raising my eye brows.

"I don't have limits," he shrugged. I nodded and frowned.

"Who does Jeremy have in Miami?" Fringe asked.

"I'm not sure," Jason sighed. "Most of his contacts came to me after Derek lost his mind but there are still a few contacts that are in Jeremy's hands. Some of them were not interested in working with me because they don't like me. I made Jeremy's territory better then it has ever been. We didn't have head quarters when Jeremy was in charge. I built this empire. If his old as contact's don't want to work with me, fine." Jason spat. He was frustrated.

"Are they powerful?" I asked.

"I doubt it." Jason said. "But, I have learned over the past few weeks to never underestimate, anyone." He shook his head.

"Good," Fringe chuckled.

"I will have the media and tech team watch out for anything as we continue to train and prepare for what is coming." Jason said standing to his feet.

"I have a meeting with Greggory," he said walking to his door.

"We will have a team meeting tomorrow evening. Make sure that the training schedules are in full swing and we will talk tomorrow." He said looking at Fringe.

"Well then," Fringe said standing to his feet after Jason left. He looked at me with a concerned look and I rolled my eyes.

"I need to go check on my crew," I said leaving the room.

"Jon," I said walking into the living room.

"Miley," he smiled.

"I would like to meet with everyone. Can you gather everyone and meet me in my room?" I asked.

"Sure thing," he nodded and walked away.

I went up to my room and waited. I needed to keep my mind off of everything that went down in Jason's office and I needed to make sure that my crew was on board with everything.

"Hey," Chuck said walking into the room followed by Megan and Lou.

"Make yourself comfortable." I said sitting on the couch. Megan sat next to me and smiled.

DJ and Jon then walked into the room and shut the door.

"Okay," I said clearing my throat.

"I know that this whole thing has been a hard transition for everyone and I just wanted to make sure that everyone was settling in okay." I said looking at them.

"Were fine," Chuck said.

"I've made a lot of new friends with the other gangs that are here," DJ said and Lou nodded.

"Good," I nodded. "I want you guys to come to me if you have any problems. Things are about to really pick up around here and I want to make sure that everyone is on their A-game." I said.

"Everything has been really cool," Megan said with a soft smile.

"Fringe has been looking over the training schedules with Bear and Florence, and I think tomorrow things are going to be in full swing." I said.

"Some of us have already been training and so far its been really cool," Jon said.

"I'm glad to here," I smiled. "We should be updated on everything tomorrow so if anything comes up let me know."

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