Chapter Twelve

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Miley's p.o.v

"Well if it isn't the prospect." A tall bulky man said looking at the prospect and me.

"Yes, Fringe." He said as sweat started to appear on his forehead just as it did when Jason was talking to him.

"I thought I told you that you were never allowed in here again." The tall man said with a stern voice. I am assuming that this is Fringe.

"I, um." The prospect mumbled to himself. He seemed scared and I felt a little bad for him. It seemed the poor boy had a lot to learn about being in this type of business.

"I'm Miley. Jason asked him to bring me down here. I would have gotten lost if he hadn't." I explained trying to make light of the situation.

"Next time you bring someone to me, don't come past the door." Fringe said walking closer. "Understood?" He asked looking fiercely at the poor guy.

"Yes, sir." He nodded before turning to run out the door.

"Haha that little shit." Fringe laughed. "I hope I didn't scare you. I just like to fuck with that guy. He looked like he was about to piss himself." He laughed before looking at me.

"I can tell." I shook my head with a lite laugh.

"Anyways, I'm Fringe. It is nice to officially meet you. Jason told me a lot about you. I would have met you last night at the party, but I couldn't get here in time." He introduced himself setting his hands on his hips.

"It's nice to officially meet you. You didn't miss much of the party last night, I'd say it was pretty uneventful." I started.

"Well, that is not what I heard." He cleared his throat. "I heard that there was a small altercation between Chase, Lauren, and you. I even heard that Jason raised his voice at Chase. And, in my opinion, that was long overdue." He smiled lightly.

"Uh, yes, there was a situation like that." I shook my head. "I'm not close to Lauren and Chase, and I don't really know Jason all too well. Last night was eventful, but I am not here for that kind of drama, I am here for a job." I cleared my throat. I knew that I needed to stand my ground in order to be respected. Yes, it would be nice to understand Jason better, but that is not my place and I just want to get this job done.

"I can respect that. I'm just pointing out that you made a valid point last night. You stood up for Jason, and not many people have done that. I am sure that you have heard wonders about Jason. I'm sure people have tried to scare you into thinking that you should stay far away from him. There really isn't anything to be scared of. I think that if Jason has the right people around him, believing and having faith in him, you would see a different side of him. Not many people would pay him the time of day." Fringe started.

"I know it sounds strange, but he isn't all that bad. People like to assume things. Women throw phone numbers, and hotels keys into his pocket because they assume that sex is all he wants. Granted, I don't think he really knows what he wants, let alone knows what he is looking for. But, I think that it was nice to see that someone was sticking up for Jason for a change. I would just like to encourage you to get to know him before you make any judgements. There is a reason that he is the way he is, and there is a reason Jason and Lauren are no longer together. Don't jump into assumptions about that." He said. I nodded my head lightly because I didn't really know what to say.

"Anyways, let me show you around my layout and show you some of my toys." He laughed changing the subject.


"I can't wait to try out these toys in combat. You sure have an art for crafting." I said looking up at Fringe. For the past hour he has been explaining all his toys to me, and I got to say, I am impressed.

"Like I said, Jason showed me your stuff and I am really excited to be working with you. I think if the two of use work together on a project it will blow everyone away." He said with a mischievous smile.

"I agree." I nodded with a sly smile.

"So, what do you say? How about we start brainstorming?" He said grabbing a tablet off of his desk before walking towards me.

"Let's do it." I nodded.

"So, what have you guys been working on today?" Jason said interrupting us from starting our project. His voice surprised me but I contained myself from jumping in fright.

"Oh, nothing much. I showed Miley around my place and showed her all my special toys of course." Fringe said closing the notebook so Jason couldn't see. Jason stood silently looking at Fringe.

I made sure to take a mental note of Fringe's movement. He must know Jason pretty well to say what he said earlier and to hide the notebook means that I can trust him. I think that I just made a trusty new ally.

"Okay, just wanted to give everyone a heads up that we will be having a family meeting tonight. And that means, all hands on deck." Jason said with a stern look. He looked different then he did earlier, if anything, he look angrier.

"Alright," Fringe nodded.

"Make sure that you have all you weapons on file. I would like to show everyone what we have been up too at Central." Jason said grabbing his phone out of his pocket. He looked at it intensely before turning his attention back to us. He seemed to become even tenser as he stood there.

"Also, Miley, if you have anything you would like to present tonight, feel free. I'm sure that every crew will be doing the same and there might be a lot of eyes on you considering you are fresh meat to Central." Jason said looking at me briefly for the first time since he has entered the room. His expression was blank but his eyebrows were furrowed together making it seem that he was angry, or focused on something else.

"Alright, I will have Chuck put something together for it." I replied.

"Be ready for tonight." Jason said before walking out to take a phone call.

Fringe stayed silent for a few moments before returning to his notebook. I thought about Jason for a few moments before returning my attention back to Fringe.

((It's been a while and I hope I still have some readers... I changed the cover! So, I hope you guys like it! Jason's character is still slightly developing and he is about to take a turn...maybe for the worst. I have a few ideas in store so I hope you guys follow. Please comment and vote. I really need some opinions.))

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